Scary love

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Before we start the fan fiction let me say few things about the inspiration process behind this one. This is kind of important.

My first inspiration point was another author's short story. It seems that the author isn't well experienced yet so the part they wrote started to bug me because the idea behind it was good but it seems they didn't manage to make the story to really blossom. So, what happened was that I ended up swarmed with ideas how such story could become great. Now, to be fair I'll leave the link to this person's story.

Second inspiration point was the title that I somehow came up on the spot next to the plot idea. The name I choose for it seemed somehow familiar and that's how I remembered a song. Therefore, I realized that this song suits really well here so, I ended up mixing that in. I definitely recommend you to read this part while listening to the song in the background or at least listen to it afterwards or before the story. I defenatelly love The Neighbourhood songs, glad I got to see them live in a concert last year😍. That's why I had to use the song as inspiration~

And third point is pictures. Well, technically I was thinking of writing the story fully and then find some pictures to add along the way but I ended up needing a few idea for a sort of backstory and I ended up looking some pictures for that. Though, I found too many of them so I definitely ended up using too many for the story 😂. I found all the pictures on Pinterest so I have no idea to whom they really belong to but I can only say that I have no ownership to any of them.

Now, if you made it through all of my note then thank you for your patience and now you can move on to enjoy the story!


Since Kakashi became the new Hokage for the leaf village, Iruka found himself somehow spending more time with him especially after Naruto's and Hinata's wedding. It seemed that both of them were helpful to each other because Iruka had interesting ideas to give Kakashi that could help with running the village even if the ideas were sometimes given by accident. While Kakashi always managed to calm Iruka down when he became too stressful about his new role as the director of the ninja academy and even give some useful tips. Though, most importantly it seemed that both of them truly did enjoy each others company filling up the loneliness hole that both of the males had to deal with throughout usual work days. Due to this some rumors had started to spread about Iruka's and Kakashi's relationship. Yet, Iruka himself denies that this is more then work related relationship.

One day, as Iruka was walking back home from work a group of shinobi surrounded him.

"Hey there. Iruka was it? We have few questions." One of the shinobi proclaimed with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah! Questions about you and Hokage." Another one grinded.

Iruka felt caught off guard but he quickly regained his composer. "Yes, my name is Iruka and I am not obligated to tell you guys anything regarding my personal life."

"Oh? Is that so? Since your not willing to talk then I guess we'll take this as a sing that you guys are actually dating." The third shinobi continued to tease the brown haired male.

"No. We are not dating! Stop butting in on my life!"

"Oh come on. We know you have a thing for Kakashi."

The taste of your lips. (Kakashi x Iruka oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now