Chapter 1- Disappointment

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God POV(a/n: no not momo even tho she is god)

Izuku was so excited to get his quirk. He had been waiting for it since he could talk and ask about heroes. Today was his 4th birthday and he couldn't wait to head to the doctor. He was bouncing and vibrating so much the floor was shaking causing the neighbors downstairs to grumble but they knew it was just Izuku being excited. The boy started to mumble up a storm about what his quirk might be. Would it be fire breath like his father; or would it be telekinesis like him mom; or even a cool combination of both where he could attract hot things?‍ By the time he had to go to the doctor, he looked like a crack addict going through withdrawal with all of his moving and shaking.


Time skip brought to you by music and laziness


Izuku's POV

I couldn't believe it...I was quirkless. Mom was trying to say that there had to be some mistake and the doctor was asking all kinds of questions. All I could do was growl and squeeze my All Might figurine wanting all of this to stop. I ran out of the doctor's office as fast as I could. My dream of being a hero was shattered right before me at the age of 4. I ran as fast as I could to the park nearby and into this mini forest behind it. I sat in the forest in a little ball crying. "W-why me?... I just wanna be a hero..l-like All Might." I heard some tussling a little bit away and jumped onto my feet and started growling. Soon, a puppy appeared through the bushes. I calmed down upon seeing it. The puppy was gray with green emerald eyes. It looked like a husky but a bit bigger. It came close and started to sniff me as I tensed up in fear. The puppy licked me and jumped on me. I calmed down and laughed. "H-hey stop it," I giggled, "That tickles stop it." I pet the doggie a while, before seeing what gender it was. It looked like it was a boy and had no home. "I wonder... do you wanna come home with me boy?" The dog barked happily in response. "If so, I need to give you a name" I laughed in response. "How about Kouki?" I asked. The dog barked in happiness as it leaped on me. "Ok! Kouki it is." I noticed the sun going down and realized I've been away from mom for a while. "Oh no, mom is going to get me for running away.." I thought whimpering, getting scared of my punishment and missing mom. "Kouki..we need to find mom fast."Kouki barked a reply with determination. In the distance a far way out I heard a yell.' IZUKU WHERE ARE YOU SWEETY!' It sounded like mom, I ran in the direction of the voice with Kouki right beside me. 'MOMMY I'M HERE!' I yelled and Kouki barked next to me. Mom ran up to me and hugged me tightly saying 'Don't you ever scare me like that again.' 'Sorry mommy' I said feeling guilty 'but look a made a new friend' pointing at Kouki. 'His name is Kouki..can we keep him PLEASEEEE?' I begged hoping she would say yes. ' long as you take care of him then I guess you can keep him.' Mom said. 'YAY did you hear that Kouki you can stay with me forever!' Kouki barked happily jumping at me to lick my face. My mom laughs at us having fun and playing. After the eventful day, I got to go home with my new best friend.

Shoto's POV

Me and mom were out at the park. I walked away for a bit when I saw a fluff of green run into the bushes that lead into a small forest-like place. I started to walk toward the bushes when a dog came toward me and I played with it for a bit. After that, me and the dog went pro see the boy but I heard growling once we reached the bushes and I ran away to mommy but the doggie kept going. I miss the doggie. 'Mommy I saw a doggie it didn't have a tag it now it's gone. I wanna keep it Mom.' I said pleading. 'No honey you can't you known daddy won't let you.' Mom said. 'Ok fine mommy, can we go home...I don't feel so good.' I said starting to feel weird.


Time skip brought to you by Music and Katty Perry


For some reason, I feel hot and cold. 'Mommy I don't feel good, I feel hot and cold.' 'YOUR YES THEN YOUR NO!!' Fuyumi and Natsuo screamed down the hall. 'H- honey y-YOUR ON FIRE!' Mom screamed and grabbed the fire extinguisher we keep the nearby cause of dad's beard. 'M-mom t-the room is really c-cold n-now' I stuttered out because my teeth were chattering. 'Enji w-we need you to unfreeze the r-room.' My Mk said as dad walked in looking shocked. 'How did this happen, NATSUO DID YOU DO THIS!?' Dad yelled. 'N-no it was S-sho dad.' Natsuo said. 'He got his quirk...what is it?' Dad demanded. Mom said that I had fire and ice. Immediately after dad unfroze the room I was dragged to the training room and dad said I would train from now on. I didn't know what "training" was but it sounded fun.

I hope you all liked the first chapter see you next week.

-Author out 

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