Chapter 4- Wonder

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Izuku's POV

"Hay I was wondering... was that you going into the forest last week crying?" The boy said to me. I froze instantly. Oh no he must of seen me crying and heard me. Oh no oh no what if he makes fun of me. I start to panic but Kouki bumps me just in time. "U-um yea that w-was me...w-why?" I say nervously. "Oh it's nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were ok because I heard you crying and then that dog went into the forest where you were." He said "Oh yea Kouki came to comfort me. And that's when I got him." I said while petting him. "Oh ok I just wanted to check on you. By the way I'm Todoroki Shoto, and you are?" He said sticking out his hand. "I'm Midoriya can also call me D-deku." I say nervously staking his hand. "Wait...doesn't Deku mean.." he said trailing off. "Y-yea it means useless." I say rubbing my neck. "HAY IZU WHERE DID YOU GO?" I hear being yelled from the distance. Kouki howled which got the person's attention. "Oh there you are Kouki and Izu." Shin-Chan said. "Oh ay Shin-Chan sorry about running away. Kouki tackled this kid named Todoroki." I say pointing to him. "Hi I'm Shinso Hitoshi and this is my cat Haru." Shin-Chan says and Haru meows rubbing on the kids left side. "O-oh hi Haru and Shinso." Todoroki says petting Haru. "Izu you mom is looking for you so we better get to her before the adrenaline kicks in." Shin-Chan said smirking. "Oh and don't forget her seeing the equations." I say starting to giggle. "Oh yea well we better go." Shin-Chan says also giggling. "Well we have to go. Bye Todoroki." I say waving at him. "Bye Todoroki. Nice meeting you." Shin-Chan says also waving. After we both jog away with Kouki and Haru in tow. "Hay Shin-Chan thanks for the save. I was really nervous when Todoroki asked about my quirk." I say rubbing my neck in embarrassment. "It's ok. I always got you Izu. I saw you tense up like you were scared or something." Shin-Chan says looking a bit worried. "I'm fine I was just nervous of what he would say that's all. Hay do you want to come to my house and play hero's with me?" I say hoping that my question would get him off my back. "Sure let me tell my mom and get Haru." Shin-Chan says. As he walks away I sit down with Kouki and pet him to calm my nerves. Man that boy is smart and perceptive. Shin-Chan already knows my secret but that won't stop my fear of losing him and him hurting me like Kacchan and his friends. As I get lost in my thoughts Kouki bumps me out of them and licks me to comfort me. "Thanks Kouki you always know what to do." I say fondly petting him.. "Hay Izu we're ready to go." Shin-Chan calls to me. "Ok let's go." I say sprinting to the car. "Mom lets go I want to play with Shin-Chan." I say a bit impatiently. "I'm already in the car. We're waiting on you Izu." Mom says smirking. "H-how did you do that mommy?" I ask startled and confused. "Don't question is Izu let's just go." Shin-Chan says smirking. "O-ok fine." I say drop dropping it and getting in the car with Kouki.


Once they arrived home Shinso pointed to his house which was a couple of blocks away. It happened to be the 'bad' part of Izuku and Bakugo's neighborhood so Inko volunteered to take him home after they were done playing but Shinso quickly said "No I can walk home myself" and ran up the stairs to the apartment telling Izuku that the last one there is Haru's cat scratcher and Shinso ended up being last. The boys played all day till the sun was about to come down.

Shinso POV

"Ok Izu you win at tag. But you cheated with both you and Kouki being it." I say petting Kouki. "I didn't cheat you had Haru helping you Shin-Chan." Izu said lightly pushing me. "Well yeah but he doesn't count all he did was sleep the entire round." I say pouting, "Hay it's starting to get dark. You better get home Shin-Chan. I could wake you home with mom and Kouki if you want." I au says trying to be nice. "N-no it will be fine. I have Haru with me after all and my house isn't that far." I say hoping he won't try to come to my part of the neighborhood. I can't have them see my house or my parents. Dad is ok but is scary. As I think this and shiver a bit. "You ok Shin-Chan?" Izu asks me. "Yea I'm fine just a bit cold, but once I start walking I'll be fine. I have to go Izu before it gets late. Bye Izu bye Kouki." I say leaving before I could worry them more. As I walk with Haru I notice we're getting close to the bad part of the neighborhood I get ready to sprint and grab Haru. "You ready buddy. We're heading home now so please don't scratch me. We can't make too much noise here." I whisper to him. Once we cross the block I start sprinting to the house. Once I'm there I place Haru on the windowsill and snap off the window lock. As I climb in I hear someone start to come into my room. I jump in quickly and hope that it's dad and not mom. Just as the door opened I see the eye bags of my sleepless dad. "O-oh hi dad. It's just you." I say breathing a sigh of relief. "Hi Hitoshi. You mom told me to check on you and to tell you that if you don't get to bed then ...some stuff would happen." My dad says looking a bit scared himself. I start to flinch off the bat at that sentence. "O-ok dad I'll go to bed r-right away dad." I say as I start changing my clothes. "Ok....night son. You know I love you. And I don't want to hurt you." My dad say looking sad at me. "I know dad. I have to go to bed before mom comes. You better go to. Night." I say to dad climbing in my bed. "Night Hitoshi." My dad says closing the door. Under the covers I curl into a ball with Haru next to me. I hope mom is drunk tonight and forgets about me. I-I want this to end. I don't want to be here anymore. I think this and start to cry quietly till I fall asleep.

And that's the end folks. I hope y'all ready for the next part where we see our big boi Izuku and Shinso. Also there is a big surprise for you guys with Izuku next chapter.

-Author out ✌️

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