Just A Fling

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Korin quietly crept back into the hotel room trying her best not to wake Jeongguk thinking he was still asleep. To her surprise he was wide awake sitting by the window admiring the view of the St. John's River.

He was enjoying his complimentary breakfast when he turned to see Korin walk in. She looked discouraged which made him think that the meeting didn't go in her favor.

"How'd it go?" He asked as he stood up from the table.

Korin sat on the bed with her head downcast. "*sigh* It actually went pretty well."

"Really?" He asked. "Then why do you look so sad?"

"He brought his ex wife to the meeting."

"What? Why?"

"He claimed for 'moral support' pfft." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Well, did you two argue?"

"Who? Me and Amy? No. I got upset seeing her there seeing as though he'd been cheating with her the last 4 years. She took it upon herself to excuse herself from the room."

"Wow. Well despite that, I'm glad it went well none the less. You're now a free woman I presume?" He asked.

"Yep! Free at last."

"So, smile for crying out loud!" He said playfully shoving her.

Korin smirked but still felt down.

"Come on Korin, what's wrong baby?"

She slowly closed her eyes to the sound of his sweet voice calling her baby. She adored him so much.

He placed his hand on the small of her back gently caressing it.

"I don't know if we're going to work out Jeongguk." She said while fighting back tears.


"I said I--"

"I heard what you said-- but why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just--"

"I mean, we both love each other. What else is there?"

"Jeongguk, I'm too old for you."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me right now?" He said as he stood from the bed.

She looked up at him-- her bottom lip trembling still fighting back tears.

"We had so many beautiful moments together Korin. You are the one who makes my heart stop every time I look at you. I love you so much it hurts and I've told you that before. I know we are meant to be. Have you fallen out of love with me?" His eyes began to water.

"N-No Jeongguk. I still love you. I'm crazy about you. But you're still young. You need to be with someone who you can happily grow old with. Someone who can give you children. Someone you can love for the rest of your life. I'm 34-- 13 years older than you. I'm nothing more than a spring fling."

"What?! You're not a fling! Don't dare make yourself out to be that! You know you mean the world to me! I don't know how many times I have to say I am in love with you Korin and I don't know how else to prove it but I will!"

He walked over to the chair and angrily grabbed his jacket.

"Kookie, wait!"

Before she could stop him he'd left the room slamming the door behind him.

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