I'll Be Your Love Maze

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Korin paced the room for a few hours wondering where Jeongguk was. She sent him text messages and called him non stop but no answer.

"Come on Kookie, where are you?" She whispered to herself as she tried texting him again.

Before she hit send, the door to the room opened-- It was Jeongguk.

Korin dropped her phone onto the bed then embraced him.

"Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick!"

He gently placed his hands on her arms to release her grip.

"I went for a long walk."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. Did you get my messages?" She asked.


"Gee thanks for responding."

"Korin, we'd just had an arguement. You expected me to reply to your texts and answer your calls when I'm upset? The best thing I could've done was to not answer to be honest. Otherwise I probably would've said something I would've regretted."

He walked away from her toward the table near the window to take a seat in one of the chairs.

"Jeongguk, I wanted to let you know that I thought about our relationship--"

"What relationship? According to you it was a spring fling."

"Jeongguk please. Let me say what I have to say alright?"

He sat quietly staring out the window.

Clearing her throat she began talking again.

"First of all, you have got understand where I am coming from. Being older than your partner can be an issue within any relationship. You might get sick of me and start looking at or lusting after younger girls. You may get angry at the fact that I can't have children-- Who knows. I just know that I'm not sure I'd be able to handle either of those scenarios. I want to be with someone who'll love me unconditionally. Flaws and all. Would you be able to deal with that?"

He looks at her, "Yes! And I've told you that baby!"

"See, you say yes now but what about years from now when I'm 40 or 50? You'd be 27 or 37 years old then. Can you guarantee you wouldn't hurt me?"

Jeongguk got up from the chair and approached Korin gripping her hands firmly.

"Korin, I can't guarantee anything but I can promise you that I will love you for as long as you allow me to. Your age does not matter to me. I love you regardless and love has no age limit. You are beautiful inside and out. Your soul is what speaks to me. I told you when we first ran into each other that I heard a bell. That was something I picked up from an anime toon. These two characters ran past each other and a bell went off. I always dreamed that that's how I would find my true love and here you are. I had no intention of having a romantic relationship with anyone when I planned that trip. But I do believe in fate so it was no coincidence that you appeared. We were brought together for a reason. We were meant to be-- and I am willing to give you my heart forever."

After his perfectly executed speech, Jeongguk reached in his jacket pocket presenting a ring box.

He knelt down on one knee and Korin was in shock. Her hands were shaking and the tears began to well up in her eyes.

Jeongguk held Korin's hand after halfway sliding the ring on.

"Korin, I know that you just recently became a free woman... But I want to let you know that this isn't an engagement ring but instead a promise ring. And I can promise you this, in another year or two if we're still together I give you my word that I WILL propose to you with an even bigger and better ring. I promise that I will never get sick of you. I promise I will never look at other women the way I look at you. I promise I will never cheat on you in any way-- I will always be yours if you will have me."

He looked up at her with the cutest puppy dog face.

Korin caught her breath from quietly sobbing... "Is that where you were all this time? Getting a ring?"

He gave her a sweet smirk and shook his head yes.

She returned the smile and let out a nervous chuckle. After thinking for a moment, she took a deep breath then gave him her answer...

"Okay." She said as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Okay?" He asked uncertain of what she meant.

"Okay Kookie, I'm willing to give us a chance. Let's do it."

His eyes lit up and he immediately jumped to his feet to pick her up and embrace her as tight as he could.

He planted a passionate kiss on her lips as he slowly placed her back on the floor then playfully kissed her neck tickling her.

She giggled as she pinched her head down to her shoulder preventing him from kissing her there anymore.

He stopped then sweetly gazed into her eyes... "Thank you for loving me baby."

She smiled then buried her head in his chest as they continued embracing each other.

The end.

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