Chapter 3: Her New Friends

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It was crowning day and Ella was overjoyed. She would finally see her sister. Tessa however was about to vomit. She was going to be queen.

As Tessa was walking up the isle, everyone rose. Everyone applauded. Everyone sat down. The same routine happened for Ella. The Duke asked Tessa to hold the sector. Tessa took the sector. She was getting really nervous. She was so nervous that she started to burn the sector.

The crowning was done. Tessa was queen, and Ella was the queens sister. Ella snuck out of the castle as the gates opened. She wandered around the kingdom and met new people. But Ella didnt want to just meet people, she wanted to meet a friend. A real friend. So Ella walked to the bakery. Ella figured that someone her age would be there.

As Ella got closer and closer to the bakery, she could smell the bread. It was wing freshly baked- and it smelled better that what the castle fed her. Ella opened the doors to the bakery and the first thing she saw was a case of cupcakes. There were so many flavored and designs. Ella wondered who could make such beautiful goods. As she confidently walked up to the counter, she saw him. It was a boy. He was tall so she didn't know his age, but he had bright blue eyes, crisp brown hair, and he was laughing. His laugh made her sink. He was perfect. She When Ella got to the counter, she got a little shy. She asked for the staff that worked her and she announced that she was the Princess. A young, beautiful girl walk out. She knew she was her age. She looked like the boy.

"Maybe they're related" she thought.

It turned out that the girl was 16, Ella's age, and the boy was 17. Se was delighted. Ella and the girl, Marcy, started to bond at the hip right away. It took Ella a couple of minutes of chatting with Marcy to figure out that the boy's name is Nick - and is not Marcy's brother. Instead Nick is the sone of the duke that pronounced Tessa, Queen. Ella finally bought 2 loafs if bread and a dozen red velvet cupcakes with white fluffy frosting. She also invited to go with Marcy to a movie.

As Ella Wales away from the shop, she was beaming. She had her first friend

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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