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It was Ella who hopped onto Tessa's bed in the middle of the night and said, "The moon's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" Tessa replied, "OK, just be really quiet." Ella and Tessa tiptoed out into a large ball room where there were 2 chandeliers and large sofa couches in every corner.

Ella was jumping up and down whispering in excitement,"Do the fire thing! Do the fire thing!" Tessa smirked. Within one second, a Phoenix statue appeared. The Phoenix looked funny, with a circular face and long boxy looking wings. And her body was just crazy! It was a triangle shape and her toes were a little too small for her weight.

Now, it was time for some real fun. Where Ella was standing, Tessa rose the ground. It got higher and higher and almost to the ceiling! Then- BAM! The large box was on fire! Ella jumped from building to building as Tessa created more and more until Tessa couldn't keep up. She yelled,"Slow down! I can't catch up!" But Ella couldn't hear her. She kept gong an going until Tessa fell. Tessa panicked and tried to save her sister, but instead she struck her in the head with a ball of fire. Ella fell to the ground, and Tessa screamed. Her parents rushed in an took Ella and Tessa to the blue trolls as fast as they could. When they got there, the troll-father went up to Ella and said, " She was lucky it was only the head. Because the head i can do. The heart? Not so much. I can erase all memories of Tessa's power and she will heal, but Tessa must conceal her power and never show it again." So Ella was healed and brought back to the palace.

Now everything was back to normal, everything except that Ella never saw her sister. Ever. She tried and tried to talk to her sister. But Tessa wouldn't come out.

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