Family isn't always blood

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"Where do we go, Lara?" Talena followed Larota through the halls. In her arms she holds an old doll in exchange for the broken ones. Gaoto gave it too her as a loan till the other stuffed animal were repaired. The doll was from his sister. Not Chichi. From the other one.

"To someone you two didn't met yet." Larota dragged along Amoly on her hand. Slow enough that Amoly didn't felt. Fast enough that she stumbled sometimes.

"What's name?" Amoly was excited. She hoped for a new playmate. It wasn't that she didn't like to play with her siblings, but with more it would be more fun!

Larota didn't answer. Not that she didn't wanted too. The new turtle just never revealed her name to her.

The oldest one let go of the hand of the youngest, but the youngest still hold on her arm. All of them stopped at the door frame. Looking at the futon that laid there. The new turtle wrapped in the blanket. Over her face laid a cloth. The blanket lifted and dipped. Her body began to shrug.

"Come in. She is just sleeping, but she will wake up soon." Gaoto didn't even looked up from the stack of paper. Something was strange about the blood result, but he didn't know what.

"Is she infectious?" Talena didn't even think about to took even one step in this room. The turtle looked ill. Very ill and she didn't want what she had.

"Play with her?" Amolys eyes began to shine while she began to walk to the futon.

"Can I wake her up?" Larota hold Amoly back. They didn't even knew the personality of the grey eyed turtle and being scared away by Amolys meretriciousness was not Larotas intention.

"No. Not yet and you can try, but be careful. It's a complete new surrounding for her and Sauda didn't told me who hurt her." Gaoto circled all numbers that were suspicious. He would test the little turtle again later. Maybe he just did a mistake.

"The group of Ninjas did. The ones I saw on the festival and who tried to attacked Talena." Larota sat down next to the futon. Packed away the cloth and shook gentle at the turtles shoulder. Hoping that the turtle wouldn't scream when she saw her.

"Some strangers were here and Sauda didn't told me?" Gaoto looked confused and put the paper down to the desk. When someone knows that they housed mutant turtles and pass that to someone dangerous they would be screwed. He had to find them.

"Sauda was with Amy in another room, because she needed rest." Talena put her hand on Amolys forehead. She wanted to know if Amys fever was back, because her little sister seemed very clingy. That Amoly clenched her didn't mind her. She likes it, but she was still worried of the health of her.

"I will talk to him. Stay here." Gaoto petted the head of Amoly and Talena. "And don't terrify her!"

"She already is because of you!" Larota glared at him while he leaved. Than a little smiled appeared on her face.

The unnamed turtle opened her eyes. One eye was trapped in darkness, while the other one was terrified by the light. She blinked. Once. Twice. Until her eyes accustomed the light. The new turtle spotted Larota and began to talk in Chinese to her.

"Sorry I didn't understand you. Do you know how to speak Japanese?" Larota spoke slow and calm. She had patient with her, because she knew how scared it could be to met new faces in a new surrounding.

"Where ... am I? What ... happen? Who are ... you?" The turtle looked confused. She talked most of the time Chinese. But with Japanese she was familiar too.

"You're at the headquarter of the Furuji institute for Ninjas and Kunoichis." Talena finally took some steps towards the turtle. Still leaving a little distance between the two.

"The five young ninjas attacked you and I carried you back to my uncle." Larota reached out her hand toward the head of the new turtle. She wanted to pet her, but she stopped, because the turtle flinched. Larota assumed that the turtle thought that she was about to hit her or could hurt her in an other way.

"Red Lara. Purple Taly. Pink Amy. You name?" Amoly pointed at each one of them. Just using their nicknames, because she had forget their full name.

"I don't have a name. I didn't even remember my family." The unnamed turtle looked ashamed to the side. She knew she had once a name, but this was in another life. A life she couldn't remember anymore.

"Sad. Name you like?" Amoly sat next down to Larota. Looking at the turtle in excitement.

The turtle shooked her head.

"What about Venus? And your nickname could be Vee." Larota pointed at Gaotos poster of the solar system. "The planet is also called sister planet towards Earth. It would fit."

"You paid attention what Gao said?" Talena looked suspicious and confused at Larota. She knew that her sister had bad feelings towards Gaoto and hated to be around him alone. Sauda wasn't Larotas favorite too, but she tolerate him around her.

"Just when Hopu find it interesting." declared Larota. She would never paid attention by choice when Gaoto tried to teach her something other than fighting.

"I like that name." Venus slightly smiled towards Larota and the others.

"Yay! New big sis!" Amoly hugged Talena in excitement. First she wanted to hug Venus, but she remembered her injuries.

"Amy I don't think it works that way." Talena petted the head of Amoly. "But congratulation to your new identity, Venus."

"Who cares how it works? Hopu isn't even our biological mother. Venus is a turtle. A mutant. In our age. I saved her life. She's adopted. When one of the adults try to tell us otherwise we will figure out a plan to keep her." Larota crossed her arms. "Crying, lecturing and biting is allowed."

Amoly and Talena didn't said anything against it. Venus was glad that she find a place where she were welcomed and Larota had now enough time to figure out where she saw this grey eyes in her life before.

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