Your Secret Safe With Me, Sir

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The blonde woman bit down on the pen between her teeth, her notebook was held between her knees while her hands were busy with her boss’ tie once more. The man reminded her of an over grown child sometimes, the way he seemed to destroy everything he touched. Including the very clean room she had left for only a day to find it in shambles again. She let out a frustrated sigh, her small fingers fumbling with the knotted end, trying to find purchase somewhere.

"Wat di yu do tae yoor stuupid tie?" she said around her pen, glaring at the offensive blue silk. Jack sighed, looking down at her.

"I tried to yank it off real quick, then remembered it was from Italy and pulled the other side and it just decided to be difficult." he whined. 

She gave him a half hearted glare before rolling her eyes at him,

"Figgers." she said, "Eve it up tae yoo to fael at tayking off a tie."

Jack smirked and brushed a piece of blonde hair behind her ear,

"Dont act like you dont like taking off my clothes." he teased.

He watched a pink blush rise to her cheeks before a yank pulled his neck to the right.


"Oops." The corners of her pink lips turned upright. With a gentle tug this time, the knot came free. The blue tie lay on his chest now and Rapunzel reached down and grabbed her notebook from her jean clad thighs and took the pen out of her mouth.

“You think you’re cute don’t you?” the man asked, pulling the silk tie from his shoulders. He cocked his elbow back to throw it on the bed when a small hand reached out and grabbed the end of it. With a purse of her lips and a tug, she pulled it from his grip.

“Cuter than the constant mess you make. Would it kill you to put away your clothes where they belong, Jack?” she asked, tucking the clipboard under her arm. She walked over to his massive walk in closet, trying to ignore the dirty clothes on the floor and the randomly strewn shoes. She stepped over what she could, afraid to let her bare feet touch anything that might gross her out. Like sticking her toes into the pair of underwear. She shivered.

“I’m tired and I work all day,” he whined, following her into his closet. His arms went around her petite waist, his chin rested on her shoulder while she nicely folded his tie onto the large automated tie tree on his wall.

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile, “And so do I. Picking up your mess.”

“You love me.” He grinned against her shoulder. She always smelled of flowers and vanilla.

The maid blushed at his words and turned around, pulling her clip board in front of her against her chest as if to put something between them. His hands didn’t leave her waist though, holding on so that she had to arch her back to look up at him.

“H-Hardly.” She pouted.

The millionaire grinned at her red cheeks. God, she was adorable. Sometimes he just wanted to kiss her. But for now he was would settle with making her as uncomfortable as possible. He pulled her round hips toward him and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. The blonde let out an ‘eep’ as her clip board fell to the floor between them as he squished her against his chest. She could smell is expensive cologne on him as well as the soft scent of the lavender mixed into his wash. Ever since he kissed her in the hallway a month ago, he had been being more familiar with her. Not that she terribly minded but she wasn’t exactly sure where she actually stood with him, if any of this was real.

She didn’t even know if she wanted it to be real.

“Done yet?” she mumbled into his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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