The Innocent Boy

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'What's wrong sire?' said Merlin with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood but he didn't know why. He thought today was going to be a good day. 'I think my grandmother walks faster than you do.' said Arthur angry. 'sorry sire I will walk faster.' Even Arthur's whining couldn't bring Merlin in a bad mood. Merlin walked a little bit faster catching up with Arthur. 'I don't know why but i'm in a good mood. The sun is shining through the trees but somehow you're still a clotpole.' Arthur looked offended and impressed at the same time. 'You can't address me like that. I'm the king of Camelot.' Merlin got tired of hearing that. 'But that doesn't change the fact that your'e a-.' 'Merlin shut up did you hear that?' Arthur was whispering now. He pulled out his sword. Merlin looked around and saw nothing. Then a shot of pain burst into his head and everything went black.

Arthur saw it happen. He saw how merlin got hit with a stone and how he got taken away by four men. Arthur screamed his name. He wanted to go after him but he was to busy defending himself. Arthur just finished fighting the last men and he wanted to go after Merlin. But by the time he was done fighting Merlin was gone. Arthur screamed his name. 'Meeerlinnnnnn! Meeeerlinnnn!' He searched for hours but giving up because it was smarter to go back to Camelot so that more people can look for him. But one thing was sure he was going to find Merlin.

Merlin woke up with the worst headache ever. He was tied down to the ceiling so he was kind of standing. It looked like he was in a basement. The room was well lit with candles. There was no one there. 'Come and face me you dollopheads!' He screamed at his loudest. Then a door opened and Merlin regretted what he had said but he didn't show it. 'Who are you? and why did you kidnap me? ' Merlin became angry. 'Ho ho ho calm down.' said the man. Merlin couldn't see who it was because the man was standing in the shadows. 'Don't worry we're not going to hurt you.'  Merlin didn't recognized the voice. The man stepped forward reveling his face. Merlin didn't recognized the man. The man had dark hair and was the same age and length as him. 'ahhhhh I was kidding.' said the man. 'about what?' Merlin was confused. Then the man hit Merlin in the stomach. 'About not hurting you.'  said the man with a evil grin on his face. Six men came in the room and started hitting Merlin. He got hit in the face several times and then he got knock out.

Arthur just arrived in Camelot. He got the knights around the table and they were shocked when they heard the news. They instantly started thinking were Merlin could be. Arthur felt devastated and didn't know what to do. He had to be alone for a couple of minutes. He stood up and leaved the table knowing that the knights would handle it. Then he came across Gaius. Arthur realized that Gaius didn't know about Merlin. Arthur felt so guilty. Merlin was like a son to Gaius how could he ever tell him that Merlin was missing and that it was all his fault. But he had to tell him. 'Sire do you know were Merlin is?'  Gaius was smiling. 'About that.... Merlin is kidnapped.' Arthur could see the smile on Gaius face turn into the saddest face Arthur had ever seen. 'What do you mean sire?' 'We were hunting in the woods when bandits came and knocked out Merlin and they took him. I wanted to help but when I was done Merlin was already gone.' Arthur felt so guilty. 'Sorry sire I have to go.' and then Gaius turned around and left Arthur standing alone.

Merlin's whole body ached. His face the most. He could barely see, everything was blurry. Merlin grunted. 'What do you want? I don't get it why me?' Merlin's vision came back. He saw the same man in the beginning and the six men were gone. 'because you're Emrys and I need you to destroy Camelot.' said the man with a grin. 'And why would I do that?. Merlin hatted how helpless he was. 'I'm Oliver Archer king of Azeroth. And my plan is to let you forget your memory and replace it with different memory's where you think you're king of Azeroth and start a war with Camelot. With your powers we're unstoppable and Camelot will be in my hands.'  Merlin couldn't believe his ears. no way was he going to do that. He was getting angry. 'Now listen up you clotpole I'm never going to do that!'  Merlin spitted in the kings face.  Oliver reached out in his pocket and took out a small bottle with powder. The man put it on his hand and blew it in Merlin's face. Merlin closed his eyes he could feel the memory's escape his mind to the point were he didn't remember anything. And then he became unconscious.

Merlin woke up in bed with a servant at his side.

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