The end of the king

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Merlin walked to Arthur's chamber with his food. While he was walking he bumped into Gwaine. "Hey merlin how are you?" He asked. Merlin noticed he was a little bit drunk but didn't really care. "I'm fine why? He said it a bit angry. He didn't have time for this. "Just asking" Gwaine said almost falling. "I have to go now, bye." And by saying that Merlin passed Gwaine before he could say anything and went to Arthur's chambers. Merlin opened the double doors and put the plait on the big wooden dining table. "Have you seen gwen?" Arthur said a little bit worried. "Yeah I saw her going to the lower town. I think everything is fine." Merlin said a bit to quickly. Why do these people care so much for each other? It was super annoying. Arthur looked a little bit suspicious but just shrugged it of. He got to the table and sat down on a chair. He put a little piece of meat to his mouth ready to take a bite but then he started talking. "Merlin the other you had magic do you have magic?" He asked a little bit worried. Merlin could scream. Can he just eat that meal? How difficult is it to just
poison someone. He came with a quick excuse. "No of course not. I don't remember having magic or what really happened but i don't have magic now." Merlin said hopping he would believe him. Arthur gave merlin a suspicious glance. He knew he was hiding something. "Okay but if you have it don't be afraid to tell me." Arthur said. "Will do sire." After merlin said that Arthur picked the piece of meat to his mouth and he started eating. Merlin was laughing on the inside. It wasn't a happy laugh more a evil. Arthur wanted to say something but then he reached for his throat. He started coughing and Merlin couldn't hold his laugh any longer. He started laughing in a evil way and walked to Arthur who was now on the floor coughing. "I said we would see each other soon." "Why?" Arthur said between coughs. Merlin had a evil grin on his face. " isn't it obvious? I want to take your throne of course. Then Arthur passed out. He knew guards will find him soon and bring him to Gaius and he could heal him then so he had to make a little trip to Gaius. He walked to the door and looked back. He laughed when he saw Arthur on the ground knocked out then he walked away.


When Merlin arrived at Gaius chambers he opened the door with a loud bang so that a few glass bottles fell on the ground. Gaius was with the glass bottles making something. Merlin didn't know what he was doing but he didn't really care. "Hi Gaius, What are you doing there? Merlin started getting worried because the old physician didn't react. He was still doing stuff with the herbs. Merlin walked to Gaius who now was turned around looking straight at merlin with his hands behind his back. Merlin was thinking how he could kill Gaius then he came up with a perfect spell. It was one of the most painfully spell he knew. He Touched Gaius shoulder and he said his spell. Then gaius started screaming. Merlin liked that and he missed the sound of someone getting tortured. The spell was spreading through gaius body and he will be dead in a minute. But then gaius took merlin's face and opened his mouth. Out of shock Merlin didn't react. He didn't expect that. Then gaius took the bottle he had in his hand to merlins mouth and he poured the liquid in his mouth. Merlin started coughing and gaius fell to the ground . "Don't blame yourself merlin." Said gaius in his last breath before he died. Merlin was still coughing. But then he stopped. He heard guards coming and he wanted to do a spell so that he could disappear. He said the spell but nothing happened. He couldn't feel his magic.

Merlin's magic was gone.

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