Darkness Rising Part 1

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It was nice and calm here in Jasper upon reaching a nice restaurant here in Jasper a boy with black hair and blue eyes was flipping burgers this boys was Jack Darby
Jack pov
Jack sighed as he flipped the burgers when he got a buzz that someone was at the drive threw " welcome to KO Burger best burger round how may I help you " " one jumbo burger and can I ask you something how can I get a nice job like yours " jack growled at Vince he really wanted to hurt the kid but his instincts told him he couldn't and they were right he wasn't normal he could kill Vince with one punch jack jerk when the food was taken " hey i have to pay for that " jack growled and closed up shop he walked out of the restaurant when his phone rang" hello " jack smiles when his mom answered " hello jack how was work " she asked jack roles his eyes " like always mom " jack paused when he saw the most gorgeous bike ever " hey Mom when will u ever get that bike " jack heard his mother chuckle at him " you have legs jack is them bye hun love you " jack smiled " love you to Mom " jack hung up and ears over to the bike when two purple cars came speeding his way jack jerk in surprise when the bike spoke " hop on " jack hop on with a shout " what are you and why are we being shot at " their is no we kid " jack growled under his breath only to Yelp when the landed in a sewer line jack turn and so rapheal " woah" he said jack hopped off with a smile " you have know idea " jack pushed Raph away when he turn back and shouted " leave him a lone please " jack growled when the purple robot went after Raph he transformed into his wolf form and growled standing above the robots and stood infront of Raph who was in awe jack lunged killing the bot instantly before turning to Raph picking him up and jumping out of the pipe and carried him home jack let him go and rub his head with his snout " thanks jack see you tomorrow" jack barked and wagged his tail and left home he return to human  form and enter his house ran up to his bed room and slept waiting for tomorrow. When jack walked out of the school building he saw Raph sitting under a tree so he walked of and sat beside him and played with his hair causing the boy to whine in discomfort " jack my hair " jack smirked and let go when he saw the black and yellow Camaro form yesterday " it once us to get in " asked jack " no just me your ride is over their " jack looked and saw the bike only to curse when Raph was droven away " wait " jack walked off when the bike followed him " look jack i have orders to bring you to base " jack cursed" bye who " " Optimus prime " she said jack growled " Opti what ever no robo clubs or fighting I get it" " dude go with " jack turn and saw Miko " scrap " . Jack roles his eyes as the girl wohod all they want " do we have to her " he asked " orders " jack watch as they drove to cliff

He frown as they got closer only to sigh in relief when the mountain open up they drove in jack saw another robot he was orange and white and a green one once they stop jack hop off along with Miko he walked over to Raph as he step out of the blac...

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He frown as they got closer only to sigh in relief when the mountain open up they drove in jack saw another robot he was orange and white and a green one once they stop jack hop off along with Miko he walked over to Raph as he step out of the black and yellow robot and watch as the two transformed " I thought you said their was only two " jack turn to the blue and pink bot when she began to speak" haven't you heard humans multiply" jack growled at her ( I do not like this one ) he thought when raph began to speak " if your robots who made you " he asked " pah lease " said the orange and white robot jack growled loudly as his blue eyes glowed a bit causing the bot to back up a bit whine heavy footsteps enter the hanger jack turn and gap he was a huge robot red and blue frame  and to jack quiet hot jack shook his head as the robot came over and began telling his tail about cybertron and the war and how they were in danger that's when the big boy began to introduce each member and himself " I am Optimus prime leader to the autobot"

Transformers Prime werewolf Jack Darby Where stories live. Discover now