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Jack and others enter base with whoops of happiness " hey ratchet where back " shouted Miko making medic scowl " don't they have school " he asked jack chuckled and began to walk over to Optimus who was standing near the ground bridge " it's a Saturday we have all day to annoy you " smirked Miko jack gave here a smile as he approached Optimus " hello Optimus " he said while looking up at his mate " hello jack good to see " jack smiled as his mate sat down a savor for him to climb on " so going anywhere " he asked Optimus looked at him with a smile " Antaric exploration of the pod we just found " he said jack smiled " can I join " jack gaveboff his best puppy dog eyes " if you wish to " jack punch his fist into the air in victory " yes sat me down " once jack was on the ground he transformed and followed Optimus and arcee into the snow " wow it's been so long since I've seen snow " looking around at the snow jack smiled " then I am Glade i get to share this moment with you sweet spark " said Optimus jack turn to his mate with a smile " let's go " said jack and followed arcee and Optimus jack could feel the coldness as it grew colder he gave Optimus a worried look " are we close Optimus " asked arcee jack looked to Optimus with sharp blue eyes " just over the hill " once over the hill they fount nothing about the pod jack jerk when arcee and Optimus temperature signals went " best call base for pick up " said arcee " Optimus to base we need ground bridge" jack frown when no one answer " Optimus to base do you read me come in ratchet " jack frown they weren't answering he need to get them out of the cold " cold " said arcee looking around jack remember this place he gave off a wolf smile this was his territory which meant his cave was near by along with his wolf pack * we most keep moving get to higher ground " said Optimus jack ignore then tipping his head back he howled " Ooooooorrrrrrra" " jack wh-" " oooorrw wwworra" jack smiled and turn to his mate " come I know place where you can be save until the others fix the bridge " jack walked Optimus and arcee to his cave

Jack and others enter base with whoops of happiness " hey ratchet where back " shouted Miko making medic scowl " don't they have school " he asked jack chuckled and began to walk over to Optimus who was standing near the ground bridge " it's a Sat...

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Once their he was greeted by his pack of dire wolves they were as big as a van about 13 ft off the ground



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" Jack your back nights not going to be happy " said hunter jack growled night was a black wolf that stood 20ft tall to Jack's chest " jack why are

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" Jack your back nights not going to be happy " said hunter jack growled night was a black wolf that stood 20ft tall to Jack's chest " jack why are ... What are they " shouted crystal " they are my family one is my mate " he spoke wolf language only to freeze as hunter came out with a deep growl " Optimus look " said arcee with worry jack stood in front of his family with a deeper growl " you dare come here with these freaks " night shouted with a snarl " were only here dealing shelter night nothing more " jack said calmly " I do not care of you do not leave now I will kill you " jack looked out of the cave to see the ragging storm " jack if we are not aloud to stay we should go " said Optimus jack looked at him only to freeze upon seeing the pain if they leave in that cold they will die jack turn back to night and gave off a challenge snarl " so be it " they charged each other jack Dodge nights attack grabbing his neck with a growl bring the wolf to the ground only to whine pain as night but his paw causing jack to jerk off giving night full advantage to his back jack shouted in pain " jack " shouted Optimus  jack eyes glowed with rage he most protect his mate jack turn grabbing night and throwing him into the cave wall with a snarl night got back up they charged each other again this time jack threw night to the ground snarling above him * YEILD" he growled night whine " yeild" he showed his neck causing jack to get off he limp over to Optimus " we can stay here for as long as we want Optimus " Optimus looked at him with worry " jack are you alright your leaking  " jack gave Optimus a weak smile " I'm fine love " he said " love are you two spark mates " asked arcee with a glare jack smirked ( yeah he is mine bitch ) he thought as he snuggled into his mate " yes arcee me and jack have been spark mates for over a month " Optimus said this while petting jack softly mining his injuries arcee glared at the wolf with hate " I wonder how the others are doing " she asked " most likely fixing the bridge repairs " answered Optimus just as a bridge open they stood up as bulkhead cane running threw " get down get down " jack gasp in his wolf form as bulkhead came running out with little metal creatures following him " bulkhead " shouted jack as the creature came towards them jack watch as the creatures began to freeze before falling to the ground in a hip of metal " what are these things " asked jack " scraplites the most dangerous Vernon on cybertron " said arcee as they walked into base jack sat down near Optimus letting his injuries heal " you saved alot lives to day old friend" said Optimus with a small smile " wasn't all doing just be glad that this happen on a Saturday " exclaimed ratchet with a sigh when a scream filled the base cashing jack to jerk up and transform into his human form with help " Ahhhhhhhh" shouted Miko " what is it scraplites " said Raph " spider get off me ahhh is it on me " she said while running off jack chuckled " did she just scream like a little girl " asked bulkhead jack smirked " she is a girl bulkhead but what about u " bulkhead blushed before looking away jack smiled only to Yelp as he was picked up by Optimus " well hello Optimus " he purred " hello jack you did well today " jack lean into his mate and kissed him causing the prime to sigh in pleasure pulling back jack starred at Optimus with love " wish to go further but you are still young in human years jack when you turn 18 all I can say is be prepared for me " Optimus said lustfully jack shivered before curling up into Optimus chest near his spark with a smile he couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

Transformers Prime werewolf Jack Darby Where stories live. Discover now