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I was on the phone with Alex, talking about the strange disease that had been going around lately. We missed our graduation because of it. The school board was scared of everyone getting infected so they cancelled it. It hadn't reached our town yet so I didn't really get why they were so terrified. It was all over the news and it's almost the only thing people talk about anymore. It's not the most fun way to start the summer break. I had envisioned all these fun things we could do, but no one wants to hear about that now. The authorities still don't know what it is, they just know it kills you and it kills you fast. They don't know what might have caused it and if it's still spreading. It probably is though.

I was laying on my bed, moving my legs in the air and looking at my ceiling while talking to my boyfriend. Just the sound of his voice gave me butterflies in my stomach. The way he says every single word is just magical. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I don't think he knows what he does to me.
It was a very hot summer so far, so my mom wanted us to stay inside for now. She said it was to protect our skin from literally burning off. Our house has become a mess because my little brother has to play inside, he throws everything everywhere without cleaning it up afterwards. Of course I'm the person who has to clean up his mess then. I already know this isn't going to be the best vacation ever, but at least I have a boyfriend I can have fun with. Alex and I started dating 7 months ago and we haven't had a vacation together yet, so I'm super excited for all the things we'll do this year. I made plans for us to go to the beach and stay in a little cabin together for a week. I desperately need some alone time with him.
I focused back on our conversation after Alex had said that he had heard something strange in his house. I tried not to sound too worried when he said he would hang up and call me back later this evening.
I put my phone down on my bed and got up. I looked around my cluttered room for something I could do. My guitar stood in the corner by my window and I would have played for a bit, but then I realized that it was probably a little too late to still make that much noise.
I went downstairs instead to go see if I could help my mother with dinner. Our hallway is so dark in the evening and always gives me the creeps. I had suggested painting our walls a lighter color many times, but my dad didn't want to spend that much time on painting a hallway. I let my hand slide over the railing as I walked down our wooden stairs. I stubbed my toe on the last step and sucked in a breath as I reached for my foot.

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath.
I hopped to the dining table while trying to hold my foot in my hand. I took out a chair from under the table and sat down. I studied my toe to see if it was cut or bruised, but I had just overreacted. My toe was totally fine and the pain started to fade away.

"What happened?" my mom turned around to look at me while putting a towel over her shoulder. She knew I was clumsy and probably already knew I stubbed my toe. This wasn't the first time it had happened and you would think that I had learned not to go down the stairs so wild by now.

"I hurt my toe on the last step again." I sighed and let myself hang in the leather chair.

"If you would wear some indoor shoes more often that wouldn't happen anymore." She said before going to check up on the self made pizzas that were in the oven. I couldn't see the oven because the kitchen island was in the way, but I recognized that scent. My mom was an amazing pizza maker.
I rolled my eyes at the comment she made and got up from the chair. I pushed it back under the table. My toe didn't hurt anymore and I went to the couch where Leon was spread on the thousands of throw pillows we had. He was watching some random tv show that I had seen him watch a few times before.

"Pfff, are you watching that stupid show again? I can already predict what is going to happen and I just got here." I laid myself next to him on the couch and looked at the bright screen. He tried to push me off of his pillows, but I wouldn't butch.

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