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I hadn't seen light in days, or what I thought were days. I had no idea how much time had passed after I was taken away from my family. I had gotten seven meals which made me think I'd been here for three days. There was nothing I could do, but think, cry and stare into the void. They were going to let me go after they got results. I didn't know if it meant I was sick or the doctor had lied to me. He had been the only one that was nice to me and I don't think I could handle being stabbed in the back already.
I had never been this bored in my life. If they were going to keep me here, they could at least give me something to do.
My doctor had visited every day to look at my wounds. They were healing fine and I wouldn't have any scars. That's what he had told me. I had enough mental scars from that day to never forget what happened.

I was sitting with my back against the wall, drifting away in my thoughts. I felt so fucking lonely. I wanted to see other people. People to talk to and feel like a normal teen again. I had asked several times if there were others I could see, but the doctor never answered that question. All I got was a firm glare and silence.
The door opened and I was pulled out of my daydream just as fast as I had gotten into it. I looked over at the door and my doctor smiled at me. His teeth were perfectly white and complimented his light blue eyes. He didn't wear his doctor's coat like usual. He wore a gray knitted sweater and jeans. It was odd seeing him like that. So normal.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" He walked over to me and held out a hand. I grabbed it firm and pulled myself up. When I stood up he was still quite a lot taller than me. I took a step back and crossed my arms. He could be quite intimidating.
"Bored and annoyed, but besides that, fine." I felt angry and annoyed by his presence. He hadn't given me all the answers I wanted although he had told me that was his job. I wondered if all his niceties were a lie and he just played another part in this messed up building.
"Someone's moody today. Come with me." He let out a laugh and started walking into the hallway. I waited a second before following him. He walked fast so I had to run a bit before I could walk by his side.
"Where are we going?" I snapped at him as I stumbled over my feet. He didn't stand still for one second.
"To my office." He looked at me beside him. His eyes lingered on mine longer than normal. He cleared his throat and turned his face away from me. The hallway looked longer every time we walked through it. I looked around at what was going on in the hallway, because it didn't look like any other day. There were more soldiers in the hallway than I had seen in here before. They were dragging people out of the rooms and doctors were staring at the situation. People were getting hurt and it looked like they just didn't give a shit. Doctors are supposed to heal people, not let them get hurt.
I kept looking back at the mess we were slowly leaving behind us.
"What's on your mind?" He stared at me again, but this time he didn't look away again. I was still observing the hallway behind us, but I was perfectly aware of his stare.
"They are hurting them and they just let it happen. What are they going to do to them?" I looked at him and he could clearly see the anger on my face. I suck at hiding what I'm feeling.
"Calm down Fallon. They do what they have to do. We also just follow orders, whether we like them or not." He tried to keep his voice down, but I heard he was getting annoyed with me. "That's fucked up." I grabbed his hand and stopped in the middle of an empty hallway. He looked at my hand around his and cleared his throat to whisper.
"Don't make this harder than it already is, Fallon. You don't know what is going on and it's better if you don't. Can you please shut up now and keep walking?" He pulled me with him by my hand I had placed around his. I was supposed to have the power.
"I have the right to know what you are doing to me and the others!" I let go of his hand as fast as I could. He turned around fast and grabbed my wrist again. My heart started pounding in my chest. I tried to look strong and tough, but in reality I was terrified every second of the day.
"I know, but give me time to explain." He whispered, but I knew he wanted to yell at me. He started walking again and with a few steps we reached his office. I hadn't been further than my room and this room since I'd been there. We walked through the same old waiting room straight into his office. I automatically sat down on the bed, but he pointed at the chair in front of his desk. I got up hesitantly and I sat down on the chair, it was strange to sit here for once. I hoped it was for good reasons.
There were more files on his desk than usual. Just a few documents had turned into piles of paperwork. The office wasn't as clean as when I first got here. I noticed clutter everywhere. I looked around for a bit, he noticed I was getting distracted.

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