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We grabbed our coats and ran out the door towards the car. I'm not sure if they fully believed me, I mean I'm not even sure, but I can't risk anything. Even though it was evening, it was still very hot outside. It felt kind of damp and clammy. Some people were filling their cars full of food and other stuff, they were probably leaving Greenway.
My dad thought it would be best if we went to Alex's house to go look if they were alright. I had no idea what we're going to find when we got there, but I can't give up hope. I can't lose Alex, I love him and I need him. Going through this world disaster isn't going to be easy. I want to go through it with him by my side. To comfort me when it's all too much.
We all got in the car and my dad drove off the driveway. The second we left our street it was a whole different situation. There were people everywhere. Some were just screaming at each other, others were leaving. We couldn't drive fast or we would just kill people by hitting them with our car. I got frustrated by how slow we were going, but I also knew my father couldn't do anything about that. We finally got on to the bigger road. It was worse here than on the smaller streets. Police cars were parked on the side of the road and were taking people with them. You didn't have enough time to take it all in, so much was happening. My mom and dad were talking to each other, but I didn't hear anything because I was so focused on what was going on outside. Leon tried not to look out of the window, but when I noticed the military trucks I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"The military are here." I whispered, but Leon heard me.

"Really?! Where?" He looked out his window spotting the big, scary looking trucks.

"Darlings, calm down, it's okay. It's probably just to be sure that everyone stays in line. People do crazy things when they are scared." My mom said from the passenger seat. But I knew better, this wasn't normal.
After 15 minutes we finally reached Alex's house. I could barely breath as we all got out of the car. People were screaming in the background as we walked up the front stairs. The white bricks of his house looked gray in the moonlight, it made this beautiful family home look like a haunted mansion. I just hoped we wouldn't find any corpses.
I searched between the plants on the porch for their spare keys. I gave them to my dad and he unlocked the door. We slowly entered the house. I stopped to look at the name tag under their doorbell. Family Freeman, Welcome. All I could wish for was that there still was a family Freeman.
Downstairs was empty like I thought it would be. I scanned the living room just one more time to be sure there wasn't anything here.

"I think they are upstairs. That's where he was last when he...hung up." It was hard to speak. My heart was beating out of my chest and I had a lump in my throat. What if I find him...dead. I started to expect the worst now. The military hadn't come here for nothing. I think we are all doomed already.
The house was quiet, but you could still hear the screaming noises from outside. People were crying, children screamed for their parents and others were yelling angry words.

I went up the stairs first, followed by my dad then my brother and then my mom. The squeaking of the stairs gave me the chills. We entered the hallway that led to every room on the second floor. There was a horrible smell. I put my fingers on both sides of my nose to try and block it. I was surrounded by Alex and his mom, their happy memories that were nailed on the walls. All these smiles and pretty faces. We stood in the middle of the hallway and waited until one of us was brave enough to take another step. My mom was the first one to speak.

"Do you want to look in the bathroom first?" My mom asked and I nodded.
I slowly opened the door and it revealed a body. My hands immediately covered my mouth.
His mom laid on the floor, dead. There was blood on the white tiles and vomit next to her head.
Tears fell on my cheeks and I got more scared than before. If she is dead, then where is Alex. I had never seen anything this gruesome. It was like we had entered a netflix series and I desperately wanted it to end. I didn't want the next episode, I wanted the misery to end.
There was a second door in the bathroom that led to her room. When I looked back at my family, I just saw my dad had followed me.

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