When morning came, Elijah woke up to Albert tickling his torso and stomach.
"Hey- stop it!" Elijah sat up through all the laughter, Albert falling right on top of him.
"I was trying to wake you up," Albert smiled.
"Well, it worked."
"Let's head downstairs," Albert added as he got up.
Elijah let Albert go down first, and was greeted by him and Jake, who was wearing Ethan's blue shirt. They started yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" once Elijah walked into the room.
"Thanks you guys," Elijah tittered.
Albert kissed his temple. "Happy birthday, 'Lije."
Ethan then walked down the stairs, wearing Jake's white tank top. Albert almost commented on the shirt-swap but Jake was already standing next to Ethan and giving him his birthday present.
"Happy birthday," Jake whispered as Ethan ripped open the wrapping and was presented (no pun intended) with a cheap box of chocolates.
"I wasn't in love with you when I bought this." Jake muttered, "but I did get you eXpEnSiVe new headphones."
"I don't care," Ethan muttered back, causing a wave of relief to wash over Jake. "Thank you, Jake," Ethan said sweetly as Jake simpered.
"Oh! Yes, that reminds me," Albert said, going over to the counter where he and Jake put their two presents. He picked up a small box wrapped in rainbow paper.
"Here you go," Albert handed Elijah the rainbow box and put an arm tightly around his waist.
Elijah took the box and opened it up quickly. Inside he found a white box labeled "iPhone XS". He looked up at Albert, amazement in his eyes, as he gestured for Elijah to open it.
Inside was what he thought he would find; an iPhone XS.
Elijah hugged Albert, head buried in his chest. "Thank you thank you thank you! So much!
"You're welcome," Albert beamed, hugging him back. "I love you."
"I love you, too."