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Background: Peter & Wade have been dating in secret for 3 years! And have never ONCE talked about it in front of Peters dads. So the team and ESPECIALLY Tony and Stephen get a big surprise one day at Avengers Tower when Peter came home from patrol with Deadpool in tow

>No One's P.O.V<
The team were all in the living room snuggled up with their partners when Peter came back from patrol, The Merc With a Mouth following him inside...

>Tony's P.O.V<
I was having a relatively peaceful day when I heard Peter shout,"DADS IM HOME!" Stephen and I were on the couch watching a show called, 'Sherlock' and adjacent to us was Natasha with her girlfriend Wanda. Bucky and Steve were in the kitchen making a snack when Clint and Pietro came in after training. Thor and Bruce were on the love seat talking to each other. Peter then came in still suited up, he just stood there though not moving. I was gonna ask the kid what was up when he says,"GUYS WE HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Wanda seemed excited and Natasha just smiled. I narrowed my eyes at them, they DEFINITELY knew something I didn't. "Suspicions", I say to myself. "Can we get back to the part where Peter said,'We'?!?", Stephen spoke up. Peter smiled nervously as someone stood next to him. I shoot up and shouted,"WADE?!? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY SON!" He just laughed and said,"Nice to see you to Tin Head." Peter punched him in the arm. I raised my eyebrow at this and it seems Harry Potter got tired of this and said,"Deadpool we've told you multiple times to stay away from our son. Why are you here now?" Wade stepped up and said,"Oh yeah Im his boyfriend." I looked to Peter to denie this he said,"He IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND..." I sigh in relief but Nat and Wanda look disappointed. Peter quickly says,"He's my fiance." Wanda and Nat jump up excitedly, The Wizard and I just stood there to shocked to move.

Hey guy's (^ω^)
Hoped you liked this one and I now ship Sa'Challa (Sam x T'Challa) 0w0
Remember to request :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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