Chapter 21

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"Paradise Lost by Octolangelo."
—Sunken Scrolls 1:8 (2.5)

One minute ago
Octo Canyon

"We have to stop Agent 3."

Octavio's voice broke the silence of the ride. As two Octotroopers piloted a four-by-four away from Slimeskin, their leader and his right-hand woman sat in the back. Four other vehicles accompanied their departure: three other off-roaders behind and an armored car in front.

Callie stared out the window. "What do you mean?" she asked, more to humor him than to actually listen.

"Now that Agent 3 has escaped, she will chase me to the ends of the earth," Octavio croaked. "She is after my life. If we do not stop her, then I will forever be on the run."

Callie continued staring out the window. Was that genuine fear in Octavio's voice?

The Octarian leader crossed his arms. "We have to kill her," he concluded.

"Do you have a plan?"

"I do, and it's perfect."

Callie turned to face the narcissistic Great War veteran. Octavio was smiling. He was never one for modesty, but he had also never described any of his machinations as perfect before. That meant that he was thinking of something absolutely brilliant or something really dumb.

"Let's hear it," she said, adjusting her shades.

"We set up a hostage exchange. Agent 3's life for however many Inkopolis citizens we can round up."

Something really dumb it was, then, Callie thought to herself.

Octavio continued. "We will do it somewhere public, somewhere the hero wouldn't dare back down. We can contact the news stations in the city and have them cover the exchange."

"I don't think—"

"We will do it in the old Plaza. It will be a good stage for this. Inkopolis can watch as their hero either dies to me on live television or publicly disgraces herself, forever a coward and weakling."

Outside of the four-wheel drive, the Canyon whizzed past. Did this guy understand the enemy at all? Was he unaware of the fact that the NSS operated in secret and that nobody knew who Agent 3 was? Callie rubbed her temples in frustration. She must have told him so at least twice today. Never mind that, Octavio's plan was completely insane. Callie tried to think of ways to tell him so.

"Sir, that's really not—"

"Of course, I will go in person. I am not a coward. I will personally oversee the entire operation."

"How do you plan on getting back out?" she prodded, finally able to get a word in. "Let's just say everything works out and you shoot Agent 3 dead in the middle of Inkopolis Plaza. The city is not going to let you walk away."

"Please, I won't be going alone," Octavio scoffed. "I'll have my honor guard with me, and Octosnipers to watch the rooftops. And I'll have you. They can't possibly stop us."

Callie exhaled sharply. "Okay, what if Agent 3 doesn't show?"

"Oh, she will. She is no coward."

"What if she gets hit by a train in a freak accident and dies? What if she can't show up?"

"Then we kill all the hostages and take our leave."


"We'll give her a reasonable amount of time," the old veteran stated. "We'll announce our deal and wait one hour—enough time for a hurried individual to show herself but not enough time for law enforcement to mobilize."

Callie could not believe the sheer amount of stupid that was coming from his mouth. Was Octavio trying to get himself killed? A public hostage exchange of all things! He seriously believed that this was a good plan, which frightened her.

"Sir, with all due respect, this is the worst idea you have had, yet. You can't just murder hostages."

"And why not?"

Callie sighed. This guy could not take a hint. Whatever Octavio wanted to do, Octavio would do—there was no talking him out of his own ideas. His behavior confirmed Callie's suspicion that the warmonger had gone senile. He had no respect for life anymore, no direction or greater purpose. He was willing to kill innocent civilians. He lacked the foresight to understand why he was jeopardizing everything in his little pursuit of honor. All he cared about was his reputation.

Octavio was ruled by delusions of grandeur. The Octarian people needed better than this. They deserved better than this. They deserved a leader who kept the bigger picture in mind and understood basic individual rights, someone who put the needs of the people first. A leader should work to serve the people, not his vanity. Especially not in the face of a possible civil war.

Callie nodded to herself. She had seen enough of the old man's ways. She was tired of his antics, his inconsistencies, and his empty words. She would stop Octavio, save the Octarian people from his lunacy, and work on the real problems at hand.

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