Wolves of Cloud Pack

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Founder: Cloudwing (moon)

Tradition: They believe in Moon Pack.

Territory: Their territory consists of mainly oaks (and some moors), and its border follows a river that trails from Storm Pack. Their territory includes a large hill with an array of stones on the top, which unusual clouds gather around. Their territory is smaller than the other packs' territories.

Prey: Rabbits, deer, eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, foxes, cats, hedgehogs, porcupines, possums, raccoons, and badgers. Voles, bats, and medium-sized birds are considered half of a meal, while mice, shrew, weasels, and small birds are more like a snack that wolves can eat while still out hungry with no repercussions if they're hungry. Weasels and birds are particularly common in this area.

Camp: Their camp is in a hollow surrounded by deep banks of fern and bramble, and the entrance is through a gap in the brambles. The warriors den is under a bramble bush and the den lies in a gap in the ferns. The vantage point for the leader is a branch on a thorn tree, and the fresh-kill pile is under an elderflower bush. The apprentice's den is under some ferns, and the nursery lies under a holly bush.

Rivals: Hyenas, sometimes badgers and foxes

Predators: Bears, condors

Other: The wolves in this pack don't eat as much food as the other packs as their stamina goes down slower for unknown reasons. This pack is much smaller than than the other packs as it was created by a group of outcasts who managed to prove themselves to become their own Pack, approved by Moon Pack. Pretty much everyone knows each other.



Name: Lichenstorm (Me)

Gender: Dog

Age: 39 moons

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: A big, muscular black dog with hints of rich chocolate brown in his rough fur. He has fiery, glowing orange eyes with hints of gold and odd flecks of green.

Personality: He's very determined and level-headed, a great fighter, and always protects his Pack, brave, independent, never takes chances, always expects the worst, too serious, suspicious, doesn't ever trust anyone outside his Pack, doesn't ever make time for just himself

Reputation: He is a very brave and dedicated deputy of Cloud Pack, but he seems too serious

Themesong: Undecided

Other: He is mates with Brindlefeather.


Healer Apprentice


Name: Mintnose (Rena_Kalosia)

Gender: She-wolf

Age: 17 moons

Sexuality: Pan

Pack: Cloud Pack

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: Mintnose is a long-furred, white she-wolf with gray markings that pepper her snout, which continues as a streak from her forehead and along her back. She has one curved ear with a dusty pigment, and she is slightly smaller than the rest of her pack. Mintnose also has yellow eyes.

Personality: Merciful, protective, devoted, stubborn, unfocused/forgetful, impulsive

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Personality: Merciful, protective, devoted, stubborn, unfocused/forgetful, impulsive

Reputation: She's little but fierce. A tranquil yet fierce lover, Mintnose remains unbothered unless two things are tampered with: either her free will, or her loved ones. She isn't one to stand out among a crowd, but those who know of Mintnose know that she's mellow but persistent. Although well-intentioned, Mintnose is quite scatterbrained, and often lost in her thoughts. Typically, she's lighthearted and nurturing - it's only when challenged that her ferocity emerges.

Backstory: Starting out as a ditzy and fainthearted kit, Mintnose didn't seem as if she would be a promising warrior. However, this only made her mother pay extra attention to her. She was doted on, and eventually grew stronger from that. However, her brother Gingerpup was neglected, and grew spiteful. His resentment boiled over, and when they were apprentices, Gingerpaw clawed off her left ear. Mintnose refused to fight back, and simply bared the brunt of his force. He was exiled for such a heinous act, and Mintnose still carries the guilt of her brother's despair.



Name: Brindlefeather (Me)

Gender: She-wolf

Age: 36 moons

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: A small, soft gray she-wolf with soft golden-amber eyes and patches of black fur

Personality: Thoughtful, trustworthy, fierce, protective, holds grudges, determined, quick to dismiss others's opinions, jumps to conclusions, kind towards pups

Reputation: She is a very fierce Queen who will surely be a great mother, though she is a bit quick to jump to conclusions. She is an unruly warrior and it's unclear why Lichenstorm became mates with her.

Backstory: In her first litter of pups she had 2 pups, Tulip-pup and Tansypup. However, Tansypup died and Brindlefeather was heartbroken and discouraged. WIP

Themesong: None yet

Other: She is currently 1 moon queening with one pup. She is mates with Lichenstorm.


Name: Tulip-pup (Galaxy_RP)

Gender: She-pup

Age: 4 moons

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: This smaller than average sized pup has bright white fur with gray stripes on her ears and tail. Her eye color is a soft, hued-down shade of yellow mixed with an orange.

Personality: She generally puts others' needs above her own, is a people (wolf?) pleaser, and hates to be alone, preferring to spend her company with other wolves. She is very sweet and caring, easily being concerned if anything has a possibility of going wrong. Although she is a very happy and caring pup, she easily gets tired and needs multiple naps throughout the day.

Reputation: She has a reputation for being one of the sweetest pups that loves flowers.

Other: Brindlefeather and Lichenstorm are her parents


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