Chapter One- Her

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" Darling Althea, wake up." My body immediately shot up when I heard the sweet but chilling voice. I cracked open my eyes only to slam them back shut when I realized my face was mere centimeters from my brother's. 

" My love, open your eyes." Fucking asshole. Living with him made me feel like a lioness trapped in a cage, restless, waiting to get out, to rip apart her captor. If only I wasn't a five foot, teenage girl, while my captor is six foot at least and lets not forget a grown muscled man. 

" Open your eyes, little girl." This time I can hear the lethal undertone in his words. Be grudgingly I open my bright blue eyes only to be met with a pair of dull ones. 

" Good girl, you graduated early, so what would you like to do today?" Jared questions.

" Um, I'm not sure, I'm not really feeling good so maybe I could just stay home?" I ask, praying he wont sense that I'm lying. 

" Don't give me that bull shit! Were going out today whether you like it or not. I suggest you go take a bath before I make you." Jared threatens, with a sinister smirk. 

" Yes, sir." I respond looking at the floor. All I could think is fuck you. I was lifting the covers off of me when Jared gripped onto my forearm, stopping me in my tracks. He brought his lips to my ear, making me shiver in pure fear. 

" Maybe you should lock the door so I don't take a peek this time." My eyes widened at his words. I was quivering with fear when he let go of my arm. I got up and headed for the closet, when his voice, yet again, interrupted me. 

" Oh and dear, don't worry about your clothes, Ill grab them for you." I spun on my heels a bee lined for the bathroom before he could intervene again. I shut the door and let out a breath harboring both bitter and pained emotions. Living here wasn't bad before gammy died, I actually enjoyed it. Of course Jared gave me anything else but brotherly vibes. I've known he loved me in a different way for a while now, so did gammy but she kept him contained. If it wasn't for his legal guardian ship over me, I would have left as soon as gammy died. The day I knew how he felt for me was fresh man year and Jared was a senior. Gammy was out grocery shopping when Jared had invited me to go swimming in the lake with him. My Gammy always warned me about him but I took it a different way, I thought it was because he was mean but now I realized it was for another reason. 

He had asked me, and I wanted to go but I had couldn't fit into my suit. He told me too just wear my bra and panties so, I did as was suggested. I looked in the mirror and looked my attire over. I had a periwinkle lace bra, with a matching pair of cheeky underwear. Yes I know, Althea that's probably not the best thing to wear, but I didn't think about it at the moment. I didn't have large boobs but I was still developing at a c cup. And not to brag or anything but I had a pretty big booty. I didn't like it at the time but now I accept myself both mentally and physically. 

Throwing a towel around my shoulders, wrapping it tightly around me, I stepped into black flip flops and opened my door. I told him I was ready and he wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me too the lake. I should have seen this already obvious red flag but I was young and oblivious to his disgusting intentions. 

We arrived at the lake and I squealed in excitement. He told me to jump in but I told him to first. He smirked at me and flung off his flip flops and simply jumped of the dock. He yelled at me to jump in but I was still nervous. He said he would be right at my side ready to hold me to prevent me from drowning. I let my towel fall to the floor only realizing when I was older the lust filled eyes he studied me with as he licked his lips. I  took a deep breath in, ran, and leaped into the water. I was kicking, frantically trying to find the surface. I was at my peek of panic when I felt two arms pull me up and bring me out of the water. I was taking deep breaths as the arms slam me into a hard chest. I felt the hands that grabbed me out of the water grasp onto my jaw and make me look into the eyes of my older brother. 

Before I could register what he was doing he smashed his lips into mine. That day every fiber of my being telling me this was wrong. My skin was crawling as if spiders covered my body. All I could think is this is not the one. This man's connection to me is by blood not bond. Shaking myself out of my trance I pushed him off of me and swam to the dock ladder like my life depended on it. I was half way up the ladder when I felt a calloused hand grasp onto my bare ankle. The crawling feeling came back. I drew my foot back and the sickening crack of bones breaking sent me into a fear lead sprint. 

I could see the house but I my hopes were soon crushed as I felt someone harshly slam me back onto the forest floor by my hair. Before I knew it I felt like a boulder was crushing my lungs as someone crawled on top of me. I was met with steely blue eyes as my brother roughly gripped my jaw, forcing me too look at him. He screamed in my face that I was his and sooner or later he was going to own me any way possible. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a pounding on the door. 

" You better get out of the goddamned bath before I join you, remember I own you and will do as I please!" I got out of the water quickly wrapping a towel around myself. 

Little did he know I already am owned by somebody. 

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