I was walking towards Evergreen High School. It was the first day of high school for me, but I was not alone.
My best friend, Taylor, was walking on my right, laughing her head off from the joke I had just made. Her shoulder-legth blonde hair fell off her ear into her shut green eyes, but she didn't notice.
My boyfriend, Austin, was to my left, chuckling. His hair wasn't moving at all as usual, despite the wind. He had that haircut that really makes my perfect guy perfect: the haircut where one side is really short and the other side is combed over. Austin's hazel eyes were sparkling, the way they did whenever he smiled.
My auburn hair was flowing down to my waist, or it would have been without my backpack.
As we were walking, I took my purple glasses off my face, making it easier to see my sea green eyes and instantly blinding me. My eyes had gotten worse over the years, so now whenever I took off my glasses, everything just became a blur.
Usually when I took my glasses off to clean them like that, my friends helped guide me. But this time, Taylor's eyes were still closed from laughing, and Austin just wasn't paying attention. I took off my glasses and there was no one there to guide me, though I didn't realize it.
I started cleaning my glasses and all of a sudden, I ran into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" I said. On the first day of school! I thought.
All of a sudden, a familiar voice said, "No problem." I couldn't tell who it was; they were just a blur.
I put my glasses back on and looked up at the person I had run into. I saw his smiling face and I backed up and gasped. I dropped my notebooks.
The person I had run into says, "Hey, are you okay?" I could feel tears springing to my eyes, hoping that it was all a dream. But he was definitely real. Too real. I could still remember him from when I was in seventh grade. He was in eighth at the time. He looked almost exactly the same, though now he was in tenth grade and I was in ninth. He was still wearing the same black jacket. He was still wearing the same gray basketball shorts. He still had the same dark brown hair with the same haircut as Austin. His dark brown eyes were looking at me with worry.
Obviously, Taylor doesn't remember him, because she says, "Athena, do you know him?"
I could hear Austin say behind me, "Athena, are you okay?"
My eyes well up with tears, and I run off.

Romance Novel
RomanceWritten by Athena Walters Athena Walters sees a boy on the first day of high school that she still likes from two years ago. She doesn't know what to do, though because she has a boyfriend, but at the same time, she thought she would never see the f...