Chapter Two

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Jaxson Smith. I sighed, staring at him from across the room. This was the only time at school I got to see him. This was the only class I had where the eighth and seventh graders were put together in one class.
     I dreaded going home after this class every single day because that meant I'd have to wait hours and hours and hours before I got to see him again.
     Suddenly, I heard my best friend Taylor Norbitter saying my name. I tuned back in. "Yeah?" I said.
     Taylor rolled her eyes. "I said your name, like, ten times! What are you even looking at?" Then she seemed to get wise to the situation. "Ohhhh. You were starting at Jaxson again, weren't you?"
     I blushed. Taylor knew all about my major crush on Jaxson. She liked to tease me about it, but I didn't care.
     "You just like teasing me about him because you don't have a crush."
     Taylor's face got red. She knew that I knew all about her desperately wanting to like someone, but not finding anyone to like. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. "But we're not talking about me right now. We're talking about you and your obsession over-" her voice turned deeper and with a French accent. She stared off into the distance and stuck out her bottom lip. "-Jaxson Smith."
     I chuckled. "Okay.
     "Seriously," says Taylor. "How do you like him so much? This is crazy! You do this every single day and this has been going on for four months. How do you stay with him so long?"
     I shrug my shoulders, staring a Jaxson. "I don't know."
     "Is there a point in this class when you're not looking at Jaxson? I mean, I've seen you when you aren't looking at him. You're always somewhere where you can see him out the corner of your eye. I've seen you. You are totally oblivious to what is right in front of you. All your attention is on him."
     Just then, Jaxson looks my way and I stare down at my work again.
     "And that's another thing you do!" says Taylor. "Whenever he looks at you, or even in your general direction, you turn away like you weren't looking at him at all."
     "I know," I say. "If you knew someone liked you - which he does - when you looked their way, would you rather see them staring down, doing their work or would you rather see them staring at you, all creepy-like."
     "Pfft," said Taylor, "I wouldn't care so long as I knew someone liked me."
     I rolled my eyes at her. "You know Jacob likes you."
     "Yeah," she said, "but I only like Jacob as a friend! Could you even imagine . . .me and him? Going out?" She shuddered. "No, definitely not."
     I turned my attention back to Jaxson and sighed.

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