Does this mean things have to change?

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"Well done, everyone!" Matt, the crazy hot instructor says after class. Jade was right: he's gorgeous. Still, despite my best efforts, I'm unable to think of anyone that's not the little blonde I fell asleep on last night.

"Hey, Jade! Wait up," Matt says, walking over to us just as we begin to follow the others out the door.

"Good to see you," he says, giving Jade a hug, before turning to me. "Hi, I'm Matt."

"Yeah, I got that when you introduced yourself to the class," I say, with what I know is a wicked smile on my face. Whether I'm in my feelings over Perrie or not, I'm still a great flirt.

"Right, yeah," he says with a smile, grabbing the back of his neck. "Didn't really think that one through, did I?"

"Aw, that's alright," I say. "I'm Jesy."

"Yeah I kno- I mean, it's nice to meet you." He bumbles.

I look at him confusedly, awaiting an explanation.

"Ah, I'm really mucking this up. I guess you could say I'm a fan?" He says sheepishly. "That might be totally cringe-"

"Nah, I think it's proper endearing," I say, finding his nervousness cute. "Most boys pretend like they've never heard of us."

"I figured lying probably wasn't the way to go for our first meeting. Unless you'd prefer that! 'Cos in that case, I've never heard of Little Mix. What's that? A kitchen appliance?" He says, and then immediately cringes. Again. "Wow, I can't believe I just said that. I guess I'll go now. "

I can't help but laugh. He's a total dork, but he's sweet. I like that.

"Now, hold on. This may be going better than you think," Jade tells him encouragingly.

I laugh. "She's right."

He grins back at me so wide he almost looks goofy, but he's cute enough to get away with it.

"Well, in that case: Jesy, would you like to go for a drink? Tomorrow, maybe?" He says, weighing his hands in the air to punctuate his question.

"I would, actually, but I'm meant to go to a show with the girls. I'm sorr-"

"Wait, Leigh didn't tell you?" Jade asks.

"Tell me what?" I reply, genuinely having no idea what she's talking about.

"She mixed up the dates for the show. The Lion King is playing next Saturday, not tomorrow. She was supposed to tell you and Pez before you bought your tickets."

"That girl," I grumble. "She didn't tell me nothing. And I'm pretty sure Perrie already has her tickets as well. What's playing then?"

"Chicago." Jade tells me.

"Well, at least I like that one." I say with a shrug. "Matt, do you like Chicago?"

"The city? Never been. Heard it's quite windy, though." He says far too seriously.

I can't help but laugh in response.

"I've never seen the show, but I've heard it's good!"

"It is quite good. Would you like to come?" I ask, before I can talk myself out of it.

"I'd love nothing more," he says with a wink.

"Good then, glad that's settled." Jade says, looking all too pleased with herself. "Jes, give Matt your number so you can get it all planned out. We've got to go now."

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