I don't wanna be your Ex

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(A/N: look at these little b a b e y s in this gif I'm s o f t😭)


I'm seven kinds of sweaty when I show up for Matt's class Monday afternoon, but he's a little shiny himself, so he doesn't seem to mind.

"Hi," I say, pecking a quick kiss to his lips before letting him pull me into a tight hug.

"Hey," He says softly, squeezing me just tight enough. I can tell he'd be a great cuddle, so I mull over the idea of inviting him over after class.

As I'm weighing all the pros and cons, I pull up short. Why am I weighing anything? What have I got to lose?

"You alright?" Matt asks, loosening his hold on me.

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm excellent, now that you're here," he says with a smile. "How was your run?"

"It was good. It's my favorite way to work out. I love getting away," I say honestly. "How were your classes?"

"Oh, fine. I ended up having to sub for the 60+ yoga class today, and let me tell you, they were a hoot," he says with a grin, keeping his arms loosely around my waist. I let mine rest on his chest, fist my hands in the damp fabric there.

"I bet they were," I say, returning his grin.

"I should warn you, that if you're trying to get with me, you better act fast. Mabel offered me her rent controlled London townhouse when she goes if I agreed to show her a good time," he says with a waggle of the eyebrows.

I break into a fit of laughter, throwing my head back before ducking into Matt's chest in an effort to muffle the sound. "She did not," I say once I can get a sentence out.

"Oh, but she did," he says with a bit of a cringe. "The other ladies thought it was hilarious. Her husband, who is the only man in the class, told me it wasn't worth the strife. They're quite the pair, those two."

"They sound like it," I say with a smile.

He meets my gaze confidently, though I can tell his bravado is put on. He came to play, and I love that.

"Do you wanna come with me- I mean, back to mine- once class is finished?" I ask seriously, only realising how that might sound after I see the look on Matt's face.

"I mean, just to like, get takeout, and watch netflix and chill- wait, that's not-" I say, bumbling uncharacteristically.

Matt doesn't seem to mind though. He's kind enough to save me before I can embarrass myself further, which I appreciate.

"I'd love to come and chill," he says, waggling his eyebrows again.

I place a solid smack to his chest, and he pretends to be wounded.

"Oooh, kinky," he says, and I can feel my mouth open in shock.


"I'll stop," he says with a wink. "It's just nice to see you squirm, for a change. It's cute."

"Mmm," I mumble, ducking in for another kiss before pulling away when I hear the door open.

The woman that walks in clearly older, but I can't work out how much until Matt calls her name.

"Mabel, Hi," he says a little sheepishly.

"Hello," she says, a naughty smile on her face. "Were you doing a private session? If I had known that kisses were included, I'd have forked over the extra $150 a month."

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