~Chapter 4~

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(📝Authors Note: for some reason Italic wasn't working for me so the thoughts will be put in bold and sometimes just underline when they're arguing with themselves oof ok to le story UwU)

~Zane's POV~

I woke up, not opening my eyes though. I was contemplating on getting up when I realized something was wrapped around me tightly. "Hmm?" I question, opening my eyes and trying to get up a bit. I look behind me to see Travis' arms wrapped around my torso. My face turned bright red. Travis's eyes closed a bit tighter before he exhaled sharply. He was waking up. I laid my head back down and acted as if I was still sleeping. He got up and stared at me. I felt nothing for a while, and was about to open my eyes when I felt something grab my mask. My mask was pulled down as Travis kissed my face. I felt my heart skip a beat as it sped up. Travis chuckled a bit. "I know your awake Zane." He smirked. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to face him. "Fine, fine— don't answer me" he paused "though, your job starts in about...what? 30 minutes. I opened my eyes "wait what?!" I turned back towards Travis. He laughed a bit. "I was kidding you still have an hour" I growled and sighed. He tightened his grip on me and laid back down. "Zane?" "what?" "Stay with me for a bit more." I laid my head down. "Fine, but I have to go soon" he buried his face in my hair and sighed "I know..." I was about to relax a bit before my phone buzzed loudly. I sighed and grabbed it, looking at who had texted me. It was Aphmau

ShortPotatoAph: Hey Zane
Zane: Hi
ShortPotatoAph: so ummm, there's a bit of a problem
Zane: With what?
ShortPotatoAph: There was a problem with your uniform for work...and by problem I just mean Kawaii~Chan spilled a milkshake on it
Zane: just clean it
ShortPotatoAph: we are- it's gonna take a few days to get the stain out and there's no others in your size sooo...
Zane: so?
ShortPotatoAph: You're gonna have to wear a maid dress...again
Zane: No! I'm never doing that again I swore to myself!
ShortPotatoAph: well you never swore to me! So you're wearing one
Zane: Ughhhh
ShortPotatoAph: See you at work!
Zane: whatever
ShortPotatoAph! you better come too! Baii~

"So you have to wear a maid dress~" I heard Travis say over my shoulder. I growled at him "shut up" Travis smirked, moving his head closer to mine. "You know Zane, you can really work a dress from what I remember~" he teased. "Sh-Shut Up!" I blushed pulling the covers over my head. He laughed his adorable laugh as I growled. He laid back down and sighed. I hated him teasing me like that. I pulled the covers off of me and tried to get up, only to be pulled back a bit. I gripped Travis' arms and pulled them away from my torso. "Where are you going?" He asked kinda whining near the end of his sentence. "I'm gonna get ready for work" He pouted a little before fully letting go. I went to his bathroom and tied my hair back with a red band that was on my wrist. I splashed cold water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. Still ugly. I thought to myself sighing a bit. I stared at my face for a while before putting my head down, wrapping my hand around the back of my neck slightly banging my head on the counter. Why did he have to kiss me? Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! I was screaming in my head when a knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I opened it slightly. "Hey, if you want, I made some bacon"

I couldn't help but smile at his face. His emerald green eyes were so beautiful it was almost if they sparkled. My face heated up as I stared at him. His hair, UGH is hair. White as snow itself. It glistened when the light hit it, almost blinding with that tingle of silver to it. Umm earth to Zane! you're Frickin Staring snap out of this!
"Ummm Zane?" He waved a hand in front of my face. "Zaneeee, did you hear me?" I shook my head a bit snapping out of my thoughts "uhh- y-yeah I'll grab some before I head out" he nodded and walked off before stopping at the door "By the way Zane, you're blushing~" I quickly realized I didn't have my mask on. I grab it and put it on my face "Shut Up!" I say adjusting my mask. He laughed as I grabbed my phone and walked out the room. I saw Travis still walking over to the couch before sitting down. I walk over to the kitchen and stare at the bacon. I sigh "I'm gonna head out now" I say grabbing three pieces of bacon. "Huh? Now?" Travis got up. "Yeah, if I don't leave now I won't get there on time...I don't want to get there on time, but either way I'd have to go so.." Travis turned off the tv and brushed himself off. "I'll take you!" he smiled slightly. "I can walk...run" "no, no I insist you let me take you" before I could protest he pushed me out the door before grabbing his keys. He had that crappy smirk on his face. I knew he only wanted to take me because I had to wear that stupid maid dress. I huffed as I got in his car and started eating bacon.

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