Part 1

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                                 Special thanks to PunkBonny and loboloyolo

        "Oh shit!" I exclaimed as a massive chunk of concrete flew just over my head. "Twila!" I shouted, "Look out!" I didn't throw my shouts fast enough and another huge piece of concrete hit Twila square on the head. I looked in horror as thick, maroon liquid spilled from her head onto the street. I turned to the metallic monstrosity and only saw blinding flashes of red. I hurdled myself towards it with my I.E.Ds in hand. I attached it to the gargantuan breastplate of the robot and ran. The beeping was relentless and intensifying. "Why hasn't it exploded yet?" I asked myself as everything slowly faded to black. I realized it was just my alarm. Words and scenes swirled in my head. "Twila, concrete flying towards me, maroon blood staining the street." What was that about? I would soon find out.

        I went down stairs, and grabbed a cereal bar, then went to the bus stop. It was cold this morning. Steam was flowing from my mouth when I breathed. I got on the bus and sat down next to Logan, my best friend. We talked about last night's math homework and Ms. Vandegrift, the Chemistry teacher. When we got to school it was just another normal day, that is, until the principal, Dr. Toole-Ostler, made an announcement at lunch. She came over the PA and informed us, with pensive regret, that, Mr. Phynski, a popular English teacher, had died of Pneumonia. We were also told that grief counselors  were available if we needed to talk to them.  That was just the start of the worst day of my life. School ended, as usual, at 2:00. I went home, made a snack and sat down to watch T.V. That didn't happen when I turned the T.V. on. All that came from the screen were the words, "BREAKING NEWS." The news reporter, Beth Blake, who I'd had a crush on, looked at the camera with distraught.


         Just as Beth was beginning to spout the usual "I'm here on location" bullshit, the power failed. I was home alone, there was breaking news, and the power was out. It's an understatement to say that I was terrified. I sat in the dark room worrying about what to do next. Suddenly, I heard a booming metallic squeal. All the windows blew out; dust and debris filled the air. "Fuck!" I shouted as I dove for the floor.  I heard the squeal again, again, again.  I realized it was footsteps, but what was making them? When the debris settled some I stood and looked out the hole where a window once was. What I saw shook me to the very core. A robot, maybe 10 feet tall was lumbering down my street.

         Just as I turned to run into the basement, the wall I was standing behind was shattered. A substantial piece of drywall punched me in the face. I went down immediately and passed out.

         When I awoke, everything was quiet. No birds sang, no people shouted, and best of all, there was no booming squeal. Rays of light shone through the holes in the wall, showing where the dust was still floating. I walked out of the house and into the street. Branches, overturned cars, and splintered wood was in abundance. What immediately caught my eye, however, was the massive footprint carved into the asphalt. It had to be, at the least, 8 feet in length and 4 feet in width, which would place the robot I saw earlier at at least 20 feet tall, instead of a mere 10. What I noticed as an afterthought was that there were no people around. Granted, most of the adults on my street were at work, but where were all the kids who got off the bus with me?

        For the second time that day I was scared shitless. As far as I knew, everybody i had ever known was dead. I thought,  Now is your time, Sky. It's your turn to do some awesome shit.  However, knowing me, I was going to turn right around, go into the basement, and cry until death overtook me. That wasn't the case though. 

        Now this next part is going to sound very corny. I know what you're going to say, " Skylar this is so  cliche." It sounds that way, but I swear to you, when I was standing in that street with an 8 foot footprint in front of me, I felt it.

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