Part 2- Twila

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"I was born into an average family. My mother, Venicé, was an accountant. My father, Michael, was a manager at a local big box store. My family came from Romania. We were very poor. My grandmother however, was a rich woman. When we first got to America, we lived in New York, but we quickly realized that we could not afford to live there. We were on the streets for over a year. My grandmother, who lived in Delaware, offered to keep us. My mother, reluctant at first, accepted after she saw there would be no other choice. That is where I was living when all this shit started."

"How did you survive this long?" I asked in complete fascination. "I'm assuming the same fucking way you survived." She said matter of factly, but a whisper of a smile lit at the corners of her mouth. "That's enough about me. Tell me about yourself, boy. And you better make it good, if it's not, I may not help you. Just because." She said this with a small smirk, her thick Romanian accent making this even more unnerving that it already would have been.

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