Part 7- The Next Morning

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10 AM Skylar's POV

        I awoke on the the floor with Twila sleeping silently in my arms, the sunlight was streaming through the windows, showing the scattered bits of dust floating through the room. The sun was killing my eyes. I was really hungover. I squinted an looked around the room. There were at least 15 fat bottles of various alcohols disseminated around the room. I laid my head on the cold hardwood. Wow. We got fucked up last night. I looked at Twila, who was curled next to me, softly cooing in her sleep. She really is beautiful. Her shoulder length Blonde hair spilled over half of her face. Her befreckled nose slightly crinkled, and her light pink, pouty lips silently, softly wavering as she slept. I watched her sleep, watched her supple breasts deeply, and slowly rise and fall as she breathed. I felt her stir. She woke next to me with a small yawn. I looked into her eyes. They were an intense knowing green; a starburst pattern. Beautiful. The make-up on the right side of her face was slightly smeared. She still looked stunning. "Good Morning," I said with a smile. She looked at me, slightly confused, but also comforted, "Hi." She spoke quietly, her smile crept across her face. It was big and blissful. The smile drained from her face, "God. It's bright as fuck."

"That's because you're hungover. Give it time." I said this and the smile crept back


 "Skylar, last night was  fun." Twila turned into my arms.

"Yeah, it was." 

"If you be a good boy, there may be more later." She said this with a simper. Jokingly? I didn't know.

Twila's POV

"If you be a good boy, there may be more later." After I said this I simpered at Skylar. He gave me a stupefied look. Just what I wanted from him. After last night I really fell for him. Hard. But I wanted to have a little fun with him first. Gotta lead him on right? What's wrong with that?

Skylar's POV

"Are you hungry Twila?"

"Yeah, a little bit. Is there anything in the kitchen?" We walked into the kitchen together. We found a box of Captain Crunch. We ate it with our hands. "Alright," I began, "I guess we should fuel up and keep moving." I looked at Twila, she had a perturbed look on her face. "Skylar, we need to talk about last night." Twila spoke petitely. I looked at her crookedly. "Listen, I was real- It was- I was drunk. That doesn't mean I didn't hav-" Her words were cut by a cacophonous rasp. Twila's head turned so sharply I though her neck would snap. "We need to go. Now. And quickly," Her voice was hard, but tense. She walked to the front window. I saw her knees go weak, but she caught herself on the windowsill. After she regained her ability to stand, she advanced across the room quickly. "Okay, we need to quietly go out the back door and find shelter some place far from here." She looked at me with anxious eyes, her nose slightly crinkled. I looked back at her coolly, "But Twila, what about not running? How us stupid Americans are always running from our problems?" After I said this, I realized it was a grave mistake. Her face turned bright red, her eyes went from anxious to corybantic. " Do you think this is a fucking game right now?!? This is fucking serious as all hell! There is a small army of 20 foot robots marching down the fucking street right now and you have the audacity to say that shit right now?! How FUCKing dare you!" Her voice was shrill and at a decibel only dogs could only hope to hear.

Twila was smart though, even while she was showering her torrential downpour of anger upon me, she kept her voice low. "Look, Twila. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I said that and I knew it was stupid. I'm sorry. Really. Please forgive me."  She looked at me with death in her eyes.

"Skylar, I told you the next time you did something like that I would leave you behind. But since we had a little tryst last night, I need to talk to you about it. So I'm not going to. But Skylar, I swear to God-"

"Yeah, I know. You'll leave me. I'm sorry. Like really fucking sorry."

"Fine. Let's go. Quietly. Out the back."

I stood up from the table. We started walking towards the back door. I wasn't looking down, and my foot hit a wine bottle. Apparently. it hit it hard. The bottle rolled across the floor and shattered when it hit the wall. We both froze. I felt Twila's hands wrap around my shoulders. She spun me. When I was looking at her I was scared to death. Her face had drained white, and her eyes became daggers that seemingly carved into my soul.

Twila spoke, and it was grave. "Move. Now. Quietly and quickly."

We started to move again, but as we opened the back door, an elephantine crack filled the air. The front half of the house was disintegrated. We both looked back sharply as we ran out the door. I looked just long enough to see at least 50 of the 20 foot metallic beasts charging towards the house.

"Holy Shit! Move! Move! Go!" Twila's shouts filled my ears. I guess we weren't being quiet anymore. I was frozen. The army of robots was charging towards us at a dangerous speed. Twila grabbed my arm and yanked me forwards. Once we were moving, we didn't look back. We jumped the chain-link fence that surrounded the yard, and dove into a side alley. The robots, were smart, however, and followed our every actions. Twila and I twisted and turned in a maze of side streets and alleys. The robots behind us every step of the way. 

We dodged down an alley just as a tremendous piece of brick wall broke away from a building that collapsed behind us. We were running for all we were worth. Twila was a few feet in front of me. 

"Fuck!! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" She stopped dead. I almost smacked into her. 

"Twila! What the hell. We have to keep moving! What'd you sto-" I looked up and felt the ultimate defeat. In front of us stood a wall, at least 100 feet tall. I spun on my heels. Both sides were surrounded by walls of at least 25 feet. We were at a dead end. The only way out was through the rapidly approaching metallic monsters.

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