Chapter 6

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(y/n)'s POV

  This week is practically chaotic. Chaotic okay I mean. Not trashy chaotic.

  On Monday we started a food war and by they I mean me and Jaune. Like literal war.

  At first, it was just us playing around innocently but then our playing got worse and worse till it got out of our hands.

  So he threw a piece of his food at me and hit me. I got mad I hit him back. After a while of that. Someone got hurt and that someone is me.

  I got hurt because some smart guy just freaking throws a butter knife at Weiss. So I may have gotten myself hurt but it was worth it.

  She was actually worried of me I'm in tears. Of course not because that my body is bleeding out so much out of such little thing.

  "Hey! You could've gotten important people hurt! If it actually got to Weiss I tell ya you're in big trouble!" I screamed. Weiss looked at me softly.

  "Besides! What if she sues ya? Then you're officially legally legalized murder of dead and what I just said don't even make sense but explains so much!" I said pointing around.

  Weiss looked at me rather disappointed with me.

  On the next day we got called to see Miss Goodwitch. By we I meant me, Jaune, (f/n), Martin, Pyrrha(unexpectedly) and Ruby.

  We got a good long nag from her. After that all of us went back to our dorm room except for me and Jaune. Also Pyrrha I guess she's waiting for Jaune?

Mia also followed us because she thinks we're not 'responsible' enough to go somewhere alone and she was right. We weren't responsible enough.

We both almost passed out of exhaustion! It got pretty intense because both of us won't admit defeat.

The next next day which is Wednesday we got a word about our mission which is a collaboration of our team with....


Amazingly interesting right? Of course it is. I could goof around with Jaune, bother the heck out of Martin with Nora, hugging Pyrrha without any reason at all and last but not least staring at Ren.

  Ah fun things.

  We went there at Friday.

  After we arrived we had to stay a night there and so we stayed a night. It was an awful night. The place we stayed at is just bad.

  And so the next day which is Saturday we went and do our job which is to stop some sort of factory loaded with stuff.

  Bad stuff.

And so we did but the stupid thing was it was a trap. The factory was a trap.

Knowing the White Fangs in a rather personal matter I know for a fact that they wouldn't be this smart to set an ambush like so.

Something is not right they're not that smart is what I am saying right now being tied to a pole with other people who hasn't even woken up.

Those people are me, Jaune, Pyrrha, (f/n) and on the other pole Mia, Martin, Nora and Ren.

How we got tied to a pole? We got ambushed. How we got ambushed? They trapped us in the stupid factory and whoosh sleeping gas bomb.

How did I wake up? I just do. Am I in trouble? Yeah kinda. Am I gonna wake up someone else? Yeah.

"Pst Jaune wake up!" I whispered into his ear. "W-what? Hey! Why am I all tied up?" He said. "Shhh! Not so loud!" I whispered at him.

"Why are we whispering?" He whispered back. "Well you see here mister smart guy. We are tied to a pole. So maybe if you want to be helpful can I use your sword?" I said.

"Her name is Crocea Mors so please she's not just some sword. She's one of a kind okay?" He said.

"Okay fine, I will now apologize so can you now use your amazing Crocea Mors to get us out of here?" I said.

"Okay what do I have to do?" He asked.

"First you have to...."

My instagram - @buffwittlebabey

(A/N - AND SCENE CUT MUAH MARVELOUS I wanna cry. My ma took my phone and I couldn't use it for a week and why did that happen?

My bother of a dad caught me playing my phone when it was 3 or 4 whatever. I can't help it! I woke up around 2 and I can't just poof myself to sleep so yeah.

Anyways, a thing I have been doing in quarantine. I exercise. In secret of course. I want to get buff but without my family knowing it because it would be embarrassing.




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