Drunken Mate

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Scott's POV

I saw her grasp her shirt to were her heart is and she squirmed with pain she fell on her knees my eyes wide. 'Oh no... What's happening to her?' I saw her fall to the floor her body limb she coughed and tried to breath I ran to her and I raised her in my arms and I was really worried about her.

I shook her softly not wanting to hurt her and I told her scared "Hey hang on...."

I felt her body pulse and her heart beat go slow and her heart beat once hard. Ikuto just looked at me and then at her worried. I carried her in my arms bridal style and I walked inside. The kids looked at me and they followed me they all looked worried about her. I got to my room and I laid her in my bed the kids quickly ran of knowing that I will scream at them. I quickly chain her leg. 'Sorry Blue but if you run away I dont know what I would do!' . Ikuto walked in and he had his arms crossed I knew that look he knows something.

I just rolled my eyes and I looked at her as I moved her hair aside looking at her beautful face. 'Why can't you be mine?' Her hair so soft so I caresed it and I sat in the edge of my bed. I looked at her and I laid beside her I smiled but then my thirst bursted in me and I felt really dry. 'What the hell?' I felt weak and I wanted to bite her and make her mine I wanted to taste her blood and mark her so nobody can have her. I was really thirsty and I needed a drink and pronto so I touched my throat and I looked at Ikuto who looked worried again. 'I... I feel...' I stood of the bed and I pulled Ikuto with me as I closed the door I looked at him a bit mad.

"Explanation know!" I told him mad

"Weeeeell..." He started as he scratched behind his head "She's my younger sister your... mate.... But I hid her I didnt want her to have something obligated by family laws so I was next in line... So I hid her for her own good and erased her memory and I chose my faith and well destiny made her come back to you in a painfull and sad way" He explained a bit

"I should have known my heart beated quickly when I saw her and for some reason I wanted her mine completely.... Thanks for telling me know... Be lucky I could control my thirst because if I was some other vampire I would have biten her with the first site of a mate or thirst" I told him as I raised a phist in the air but I let it fall

I sighed and I looked at the door again I looked at him worried and scared. He looked at the floor worried and apoligetic. He bowed as he touched his chest and I dismised him. I entered the room and with my inhuman speed I quickly sit next to her in the bed. I touch her face caresing it slowly and I felt a wave of thirst. 'Mine...Mine' I could only listen to my thoughts and I felt like I wanted to protect her completely but I wanted to make her mine so badly my body wanted her so does my heart.

I felt my breath going heavy and I felt my vampire awaken again. 'After 753 years and I've never felt my vampire and his talking to me' .... 'Mine' My hand started to lower to were her wound is and I took the bandage of and her wound was completely healed. I felt easy but something in me said that something would happen. Glass broke and a wave of blood was on the air and I couldn't resist to smell it. 'Her blood... So innocent... I want it...' My gums hurted until they came out... sharp fangs and they are a bit sharper and longer than any normal vampire. It's a purebloods way of showing strength in ripping skin and meat from another vampire or human or wolf. 'Fuck my power took control over me for the first time ever in my life...'

With inhuman speed I ran to the window and I jumped out. My wings quickly expanded and I flew far away until I spotted a deer and I landed on it. I quickly sunk my fangs on the deer draining the animals blood. My stomach still felt empty but it help me hold the vampire inside. My breathing went to normal and I looked around to see a small bunny running from a far. I shook my head as I started to see red. 'Blood... Mates Blood...'

"No!" I said at my vampire

I could hear some kids drunk not far from were am at and I just looked at that direction. 'Let's get drunk...' My vampire wanted to make me suffer because he couldnt get his mates blood so I ran to them I quickly cleaned the blood of me and I hid behind the trees. The teens looked really drunk so I took my chance and I attacked each and one of them. I could feel the alcohol go down my throat and it was intoxicating me. I felt like laughing for a bit as I drained their blood but it still wasn't enough and I could see double and I ran back as I jumped threw the window and I tried to hide my wings to see Ikuto and a awaken Blue. 'MINE!!!' My vampire screamed with anger but I calmed him down.

Ai Aoy's POV

I quickly open my eyes and I sat up. My chest hurted but not for so long. Ikuto entered the room with a smile and he brought me a glass of water. I drank the water and Ikuto just sat beside me. 'My head hurts a bit...' I looked at the window as I felt something wrong but I just ignored it.

"You ok Blue?" he asked

"My name is Ai Aoy not Blue I use it when am with humans..." I told him

"Your real name is Scarlet Blue we just put you Ai Aoy for Scott to leave you alone..." he told me a bit sorry

With his words I felt a bit broken but there must be a reason to why he sent me away from Scott. 'Was he that bad?'

I wanted to say something else but Scott entered threw the room with blood all over his shirt and mouth. He looks a bit drunk and I looked at him a bit worried. I saw his wings but they hid behind his back. Ikuto stood up and went to him but Scott sent him out and Ikuto obeyed. In just a flash the door was closed, locked and I was pinned down to the bed. I wave of alcohol was in the air and I looked at Scott and the scent came from him.

I quickly looked and Scott held me and he really looks drunk "S-Scot you o-ok?"

"Yes..." he hiccup once and he then fell on top off me 'Definitaly Drunk...'

I just let him there and I fell asleep with him asleep. His body half way out of the bed and the other half was in the bed well on top of me. My wrist escaped his grasp and I held him tighty with love and care. 'Mate...' I voice sounded on my head and my eyes snapped open. 'Mate...' another voice was heard but it sounded more like a vampire kind of sound and it felt like a vampire. 'MATE!' the two voices said in unision.

My heart skipped a beat but it didnt hurt and everything went back to normal and sleep started to overwhelm me but I staid awake. What felt like hours Scott finally woke up to as he touched his head but the other hand quickly landed on my breast. I squirmed at his touch for some reason it felt really good but I didn't want to show am easy or weak.

He quickly looked and he took his hand away. I stretched my hands to both sides of my elbows hiding my breast from him. I felt my cheeks really hot and I just looked out the window. My breathing was heavy for just a bit but it then went to normal.

"A-Am really sorry..." he quickly apologizes covering his mouth

I look at him and I said "Its ok... You weren't looking"

I could smell the alcohol but i just ignored the scent from his mouth. I felt his hand on my chin he moved me to stare at him and he smiled. He gave me a small peck on the cheek and he breathed in and out. The wave of alcohol was worse but I just looked surprised and I felt my cheeks real hot but i calmed down but not completely.

"Sleep love... tomorrow is a new day ok" he told me

I looked at him a bit blushy but I told him "Ok... Good Night Scott..."

'Night Mate' the two voices said in unision and my eyes wide at that thought of us together. Scott and I, I would feel really weard. I heard dads howls and I wanted to run to him but when I run to the window something was tied on my leg and when I reach down to take it off it shocked me a bit. I looked outside and I felt lonely. I wanted to be back with the clan but something in me told me to stay and love the boy. I walked back to the bed and I sat there as I looked at the sky full of stars.

I laid back on the bed and Scott's scent was covering the air and it calmed me. I felt myself slowly drift into sleep and I just twisted and I covered myself with this freezing air. 'I know its about to snow soon.... Thanks grandma for showing me when will it snow or when if a rain storm comes...' I smiled but my smiled faded when I fell completely asleep. 'Good Night Everyone' Sleep overwhelmed me and I was know in dream land.

Hope u guys like it :p :3

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