You Will Be

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"I never told my father."

You leaned forward with an intrigued grin. "Really? Never?"

"Not a word." Sassa snickered sipping from her cup before placing it down. "I did try. But he was never home and frankly he would have said no."

Eira sitting directly across from you laughed in a way that was both kindly smug and smugly kind. "Why in the Norns would he say no to you willingly going into a venture such an as this?"

"Well frankly, my father doesn't much like the royal family as my mother and I do. He whines that they never gave him the money to start his business. So why should he bother pledging his daughter?" She scoffed, sitting her drink down on the table beside the others. "But Nova, truly, you know I loathe my family's trade of craftwork and instead adore mathematics with all my heart. So, in the end, I have known for a long while that I would wish to marry one who is well off so I may do as I please."

"Then you are here specifically for the money?"

"Money and Love, my dear. They can certainly coexist. I assure you." she smugly smiled. "I'll have a choice of my own suitors even if the prince decides to send me away tomorrow as the rumors have so implied."

"And we're not believing." You quickly contended with a frown.

"But of course not." Sassa gently laughed picking up her cup once more. "However, if they are true, perhaps I could find one I could love and that could love me."

"It is certainly an interesting strategy." you chuckled as you finally took a sip of your own wine. However, as you tasted the contents within, your cup, you found quickly that they were not in your favor and you slightly grimaced as Eira laughed beside you.

"Don't like it?"

You set the cup down on the table with a dry smile, shaking your head only slightly. "I don't know why I ever trusted you. It's terrible to the lips."

"Perhaps you merely have terrible taste." Eira teased as she took the cup for herself.

"You can't stand bitter wine, you never have." Sassa frowned. "I truly don't know why you bothered to try it. Or trust her."

"How rude." Eira mocked sipping from both cups at once.

"It's not the worst one Eira has had me try. Besides, It smelled wonderful." you chuckled sitting forward in your seat and looking out towards the vast forest not far away as a group of riders came rushing out on horseback. The women beside you, as your attention was turned, shared a look. One that unanimously agreed to something you didn't quite know.

"And... what of you Nova?"

You brought your attention back and slowly raised your brow. "Hm? What about me?"

"Well," Sassa subtly glanced over at Eira with a small grin. "You know of our stories. I never told her parents and Eira's mothers barely allowed her to come. But you've been... hm well let's say rather... discreet?"

"And considering the foul mood you were in the night you arrived, we suppose it's a story worth telling."

You hesitated before faking a laugh at the awkward situation. "I suppose I should have greeted you the night we all arrived. I apologize."

"Yes, you should have, but that's hardly the point."

You chuckled at your friends. "Well, then It seems you both are looking for an answer to a question that has yet to be asked."

Eira rolled her eyes at your teasing. "Oh come now, Nova, you were so cross you couldn't see past the giggling school of fish to even say-"

A laugh so loud it came off as unsettling came from across the courtyard immediately interrupting the conversation. The three of you sitting at the edge of the lawn turned your attention towards it, spotting the last three of the famous four suitors. Peering out of their huddle to snicker at the three of you sitting alone not as far away as they had thought.

🌷 The Suitor 🌷// Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now