Faded Thrones

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The path up the flights and flights of stairs was in no way merciful to your already aching feet. While Magnus rushed upon each step with a fantastic display of endurance and strength, you struggled behind with whimpering pathetic breath. Commonly you would say that you had quite good stamina for a Lady of your standing. Especially for one who had no physical training in her entire life and spent most, if not all of her time, sitting down. However, after the fifth flight of nearly vertical stairs, everything you once thought you had in the past seemed to vanish into thin and rather quickly depleting air.

But now. A faded velvet curtain hung from a small opening just before both of your eyes. It was covered in dust, with a pale washed-out rosy color surrounding the parts not embedded with strings of golden ropes. Its design suggested that it would be hundreds of thousands of years old. Yet it seemed to be as brand new as the day it was made.

"Is this it?"

"It is," Magnus smirked, his eyes positioned completely on the curtain with utter glee. Taking a step back, he bowed to you, kneeling all the way down to the stone floor. "My lady Nova, I welcome you."

"How very gracious of you." Grinning, you took his hand and helped his stand. "Thank you, Magnus."

He smiled brightly as his hands squeezed your own. "Of course, my love."

Tilting your head down, you dipped underneath the dangling cloth and stepped inside. Immediately, you were met with the glory of the discarded room. The walls and floor were decorated in stained marble of beautiful extremes as similar pillars lined the room. Candles varying in use swayed across the walls and floor, none of them lit but all of them dripping with hardened wax. The only lights that showed were through the small windows laying around the top of the room, with the rest coming from the balcony in the very back. Ancient tapestries hung down from the ceiling, each one draped in dust and grime with the ends unraveling at the seams. The ravines of the corners were trimmed in golden carvings that reached out towards the very back of the room where the most fascinating thing sat.

Two thrones. Sitting side by side held their place just before the balcony. Small stairs led up to the platform they sat upon, displaying their solid gold appeal. The designs that held the rims of the chair were similar to the carvings on the walls. But with the way, they framed each chair. It induced them to seem like the most vital part of the room. As if nothing else could compare.

"Ta-da." Magnus chuckled, smirking carelessly as he ducked underneath the cloth and stepped beside you. "Isn't it marvelous?"

"Stunning. Oh, its absolutely beautiful" Your mouth hung agape, astonished by the wonder around you. His hands came up and drew your shawl from your shoulders before hanging it up on a hook behind him.

"I did all I could to prepare it for you. I even, heh, I even attempted to clean as much as I could before you came." he brushed his hand over the rim of the wall, pulling his fingers up to show lumps of dust collected upon it. He quickly brushed his hand off and hid it from sight with a guilty smile. "As you can see, I did not get very far."

You shut your eyes as you giggled, covering your mouth with your hand as if to hide it. He glowed with a sort of pride as he watched you laugh. Seemingly proud that he inflicted all the delight upon you that he could.

Grabbing your hand from your side, he lifted it above your head and spun you around as your gown flittered up, bushing against his legs. He stopped you so you faced him directly, his hands on your hips to keep you stable.

"My darling," he announced with a wonderful smile. ", I can not begin to describe how elated I am to have you to myself tonight." his hand came up and pulled a bit of your hair behind your ear. "I have missed such time with you.

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