Chapter 2: Our flight attendant is a Fury

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AN:layna's point of view from now on :)

        I looked across the food court looking for two teenagers. This satyr had told us he would know them when he saw them. I still wasn't really trusting in this whole "your dad's a god" nonsense.I know who ecaxtly my dad is, his name is paul. I wouldn't have agreed to go on this trip if it wern't for my mother begging me to go to New York for awhile.

        It was already 1:30, their flight was running late. All three of us grabbed a seat towards the edge of the food court. the satyr left us to go get some food, leaving me alone with  this typical California girl. Her hair was as blonde as you could get without looking fake, even though it still looked like it was. She looked sporty, and i heard her mention surfing at least twice today.

        The odd thing was that she was from northern California. I was from southern California, and stereo typically i should look like her. Instead I was given a deep black hair and skin that couldn't get any lighter without me looking sickly. My mother had often told me it was a sign of my royal blood. Royal my ass, my mom was blonde and tan like the rest of the world. My looks came from my Paul.

         The satyr came back and sat down with his enchiladas and offered us both some food. We both declined. Him and California girl rambled on about stupid stuff for awhile until he said to me " Layna, are you awake? you havn't said a word since we got here."

        I looked him in the eye and said " I havn't anything to talk about." and turned away.

       I heard him say " Wow your guyses eyes should be switched,Hhahahha!". That was the one thing about me that kept peoples atention. My eyes. I have heard people describe them as greener than the mediterainian sea, or if Blue and green had a child my eyes would be that child. i looked up and caught a look of envy come from the other girl. I now saw that she didn't look like a perfect Cali Girl, her eyes were so dark you might mistake them fro being black.

        " I think i see them! Percy! Annabeth!" the satyr yelled, drawing attention to us. It turned out that they really were the people we had been waiting for, our "escorts".

        "Grover! I havn't seen you in ages!" said the boy as he came in for a bro hug with the saytr.

        The girl hugged who i guessed was Grover, and they caught up for a few minutes before the boy said " So this must be Layna And Melani." he said while mistaking us for each other.

        "I'm Melani." said the blonde girl with a playful tone. She was clearly trying to flirt with this boy. The girl watched them with something in her eyes, jelousy? she had nothing to be jelous of either, they both were perfect blondes but this Annabeth had striking grey eyes.

        "Sorry for confusing you two." the boy said with a friendly smile.

        "It's fine." i muttered as i watched a pack of flight atendents walk past us.

        " Wow you got the ice queen to talk! Impressive Mr. Jackson! chuckled grover. Percy and Melani laughed along with it but Annabeth offered me a smile that seamed to say " Don't listen to them."

        "Shoot guys we need to board the plane now!" said grover looking startled.

        So we all headed through th terminals and sercurity checks. Aftyer some time we finally found all of our seats. Annabeth Melani and Grover all were sitting a few seats ahead and Percy and I were sitting together. Melani tried getting me to switch her seats, and i was about to say yes when annabeth came in and said " Come on mel, sit with me and grover, we can all bond!". 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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