XIV. Prides and Prejudices, not just for Purebloods

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"Remus, I've got to go to practice!" I whine as Remus takes his darn sweet time picking out our latest book. Lately we have become a sort of book club with just us two as members.

"Oh hush, it's my turn to pick. You went last time." He pretends to scold me but Remus can never hide his emotions from me. His eyes sparkle, giving away how entertained he is by my impatience.

I swear he is slower than Peter trying to write an essay! "Ugh, here." I pull the first book I find off the shelf and hand one copy to him and grab a second for myself. I pull him to Madam Pince's desk and hurriedly sign the books out for us.

"Bell, you know you just picked advanced potions, right?" I pull the book out from my bag and read the actual cover of the book. Oops!

"Well, you will finally learn something, dummy. I totally picked it on purpose!" Remus rolls his eyes and laughs at me as he walks me to my team's painting.

Remus is the only one I told about the tunnel because I trust him. He wouldn't tell the others because I'd hate to imagine what would happen if James or Sirius got the chance to sneak in. But he also knows because we tend to just walk everywhere together and it would take to much of an effort to try and hide it from him.

"And here is your stop, my good lady." Remus bows at me. I chuckle and shove him a bit so he stumbles back and laughs.

"I'll see you later Shakespeare." I wave him off and whisper the password and start walking through the tunnel. I started calling him that because Remus was the first one to introduce me to that incredible author and because he always tends to behave dramatically around me.

I think I bring out the ridiculous in him.

"Ahh! There you are. What takes you so long? Aren't kids supposed to have more energy than us old people?" Melinda scolds me, but I can tell she isn't serious because Melinda never seriously scolds anyone, well maybe Alexander and Kendon because they are usually causing some kind of trouble.

"Well you know all you old people have long legs. My short little stumps just can't keep up!"

"Touché." Melinda smirks and grabs her broom. I'm already dressed so I pull my broom from my space in the lockers and follow her out.

We only practice for three hours tonight instead of the usual four, because poor Harriet and Frank have massive tests tomorrow and Lyndon and Nic both have five page essays to write. Melinda nagged them about not waiting till the last minute, but still cut practice short for them.

We are Ravenclaws after all, our grades are important to us all.

Because practice was cut short we actually make it to the last bit of dinner tonight. A fact that Nic and Alexander both hug and kiss both of Melinda's cheeks for. "Hey, no kissing my girlfriend. Sorry boys, she's taken." Melinda's boyfriend Ryker comes over joking, before hugging her from behind and kissing her forehead.

"Hey Ryke! Missed you too babe." Melinda turns and gives him a quick peck on the lips. Melinda waves bye to us as she chooses to join Ryker and his friends at the Slytherin table. They seem like a nice enough couple, but I catch one of Ryker's friends glaring daggers at Melinda. I can't tell if the girl is jealous or just upset because Melinda is a half blood. I try and shake it off, as long as the captain is happy, that's what matters.

"I'll see you all later." I wave bye to rest of the team and make my way to where Zelda and Cassandra are seated. We happily talk about nothing serious. Cassandra got a letter from home. Zelda and Cassandra introduced their parents to each other's. Now Mr. And Mrs. Rodricks just borrow Mrs. Wells's owl when they want to write to Cassandra.

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