XIX. Lions vs. Eagles

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to UkrainienOtaku  for all her loyal support of this story. I really appreciate all your comments. They make me laugh a lot.

I've never been on this side of the pitch before, not when an official game is on. Everyone seems to know where to stand, they have this perfect formation. I look on the floor for some sort of marker for where the seeker goes. Harriet laughs and places me next to her. Alexander takes a step to stand in front of us.

"Don't worry Bell, the lions go out first, alphabetical order and all. Then we fly out as these here gates open. All the players names get announced so just do a wave or something when ya hear yours. Other than that it's like any practice game we've ever played. We know what we are doing, everyone knows the plans. Everyone pay attention to each other, for the most part I'll call the plays. Bell, just like in practice, keep an eye on us and let us know when Nic is doing something wrong, ok?"

"Hey!!!" Nic protests.

"Well I mean it's either you or me causing a problem and we all know I'm perfect so..."

"As if! Turn around you oaf or the first bludger I hit I'm aiming at you!" Nic threatens and Alexander walks back to his place with his hands in surrender.

Harriet asked Dumbledore to have someone check all of our brooms before we fly just in case Melinda's wasn't the only one hexed. Thankfully our brooms were deemed safe to ride after a very thorough inspection. I feel confident. This is gonna be our game. I can feel it.

The energy from the crowd can be felt down here in the underground passage. I can only hear muffled speech from whatever the announcer is saying. I take a deep breath. This is it. I've trained all year under one of the greatest seekers in Hogwarts history. I'm ready.

The gates open and we fly!

All the cheers seem to resound together, I can't differentiate anything. "The Eagles are flying my fellow wizards and witches! Today is the day we've all been waiting for. It's The Quidditch House Cup! Now that all of Gryffindor has been introduced, let's get to know Ravenclaw's team."

We are all flying around trying to energize the crowd, like they need our help. I fly over to the Ravenclaw section. I search around for Zelda and Cassandra. It's hard because they aren't the only ones with face paint, but I eventually see them in the third row and fly overhead to high five them. I heard some people complain about 'how lucky they were' I laugh. People get jealous over the smallest things.

"Now there's Frank Troye. The sixth year keeper. Beware ladies he's silent but deadly! Good luck getting past him today Gryffindor!"

I must have missed the first few names. "And never forget the killer beauty, arguably their finest chaser, Harriet! She's more than books, crowd. I'd hate to fly against her!" This announcer is funny. I think it's that fifth year hufflepuff that's always fawning over Harriet. I look at her to see her cheeks are flaming red.

"And last but not least! The newest addition to this flock of eagles, the feisty first-year Belladonna Tromperie. Don't let her size deceive you. Insider scoops tell me she's been personally trained by their team captain Melinda Seville. She's sure to be a force to reckon with!"

I do like Alexander said, but what can I say I'm a ham. A simple wave is lame, I choose to do a double flip. That really excites the crowd. Most first years can't flip while flying, heck most fourth years have difficultly with it.

"I'd say we've got an exciting game ahead Hogwarts!"

Madam Hooch waves us over. We all fly over into position. "And the players and getting set. Ooh, looks like the two seekers are gonna have a heated rivalry."

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