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A/N: To save time and give more focus to TC and Lana's dilemma I've opted to skip the Autobot/Decepticon battle and also some of the action sequences shown in "All Hail Megatron" and only focus on some of the battles TC is involved in. So this is set several months after the last chapter. By this time the Autobots are exiled to Cybertron and the Decepticons are proceeding to conquer the Earth.

Three months later in the field...

Lana sat on the hood of her car and checked her watch for the tenth time.

1:30 a.m.

It wasn't like Thundercracker to be late for their little "get-together", which had steadily grown from once a month to once a week. In fact Thundercracker was so punctual no matter how early she thought she'd be he always beat her to their meeting place. And every time he'd joke about how her "ground-rolling" was such an inefficient means of travel. A whole hour late was truly unnatural for him and Lana seriously doubted he would forget.

Part of her began to worry for him.

Was he hurt and couldn't come?

But then the other half retorted.

Or was he going on another raid with his buddies?

Lana sighed, listening for that distinct booming roar he always made when he approached. The night sky remained silent.

She finally threw up her hands and climbed back into her car grumbling to herself, "All right TC. Guess you had someplace better to be."


Hours later aboard the Nemesis ...

A strange surreal feeling circulated through the Decepticon ship and her soldiers. After millions of years of fighting they had done it; the Autobots were defeated, Prime was subsequently beaten by Megatron, and the Matrix of Leadership belonged to the Decepticons. The jubilation was stunted under the weight of disbelief. So long they had fought for this moment, suffering miserable defeats every step of the way, and now that victory lay solely in their hands they weren't sure how to react.

Only Megatron knew the next move. Standing before his troops on the launching platform of Nemesis he spoke in that powerful basso that struck instant fear and awe into any who heard him.

Megatron spanned his arms strongly, "My fellow Decepticons, we have successfully defeated the Autobots and driven them from this world which means Earth and all it possesses belongs to us!"

A roar of excited approval rang out from the Decepticon crowd.

The silver warlord continued with flashing red optics, "We are gods of war! Gods of conquest! Let nothing and no one stand in our way and all who try be crushed beneath our heel!"

Metal clashed against metal as the Decepticon forces grew rampant with anticipation for the conquest to come. No Decepticon could deny the crackling erupting through their systems like an overload as the thought of fulfilling their faction's one purpose drove them into frenzy. Every crimson optic was blazing with fervent lust for destruction and dental plates were bared with homicidal glee. They savored the flavor of the impending chaos not wasting a drop to doubt or second-guesses. It was as delicious as merging with a femme. Only, the Earth was their femme to have their way with, to make her beg for mercy as they ravaged her for everything she could offer.

A Human Friend (Sequel to A Pet Squishy)Where stories live. Discover now