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After the brief agreement, Lana leaned in close to her father, "Daddy? Can Thundercracker at least have some recuperating time; maybe a week or two so he can rest and repair himself?"

The man gave Thundercracker a quick glance, "I suppose so. He does look pretty beat up. Ten days, then the agreement starts."

Carl marched back to his truck and Lana followed him.

"Thank you, Daddy." Lana said quietly.

"I have a feeling I'm going to sorely regret this." the man muttered climbing into his pickup. "But don't think for a moment if this agreement goes south that I won't make the call."

Overhearing, Thundercracker gave the man a deadly glare, "And don't you forget who you're threatening. You might not live to regret it."

"TC!" Lana hissed, gesturing fiercely for him to shut up.

Carl shook his head, "Maybe some honest work will adjust that nasty attitude of yours."

Thundercracker snorted.

The man frowned, started his pickup, and waited for Lana to join him. Once he shut the truck door, Lana turned back to the blue mech with a critical glare.

"Where does he get the cast-iron manifold to think he can order ME around." the mech growled quietly.

Lana guessed he was talking about guts...or other parts...and replied, "Well YOU could've been friendlier."

The mech seemed to roll his optics with sarcasm, "Oh forgive me for not being in a more chipper mood when I have SO much going for me."

With a deep sigh Lana put a hand to her temple, "Look. I know things are shitty for you right now, but look on the bright side: at least he let you stay."

"Oh and how grateful I am, to be indebted and blackmailed into servitude by a human." Thundercracker threw up his hands, gesturing dramatically. "Why, this could be the greatest thing to ever happen to me!"

"Don't be like that TC. You are NOT going into servitude." Lana pleaded.

"Then what would you call being forced to work for a human against my will?"

Lana rolled her eyes, "Oh stop being so dramatic. My dad isn't enslaving you. He just wants to keep you busy. And anyway, he's not going to need you for ten days so you can get some rest and maybe repair yourself."

The mech grumbled, leaning against the back wall of the shed with a dour expression. Lana wasn't sure what else to say to him, given his mood and decided the best thing would probably be to leave him alone for a bit.

She sighed and began to move back toward the truck that was waiting for her, "Well...get some rest. If you need anything I'll be over in my parent's house." She pointed in the distance.

Thundercracker looked in that direction and then at her, "You aren't staying here?"


" will come back later?" he inquired.

Lana tipped her head, "Yes."

The mech gave a short nod.

"What? Did you think I was abandoning you out here?"

Thundercracker shrugged, "Maybe. It wouldn't be the first time."

A Human Friend (Sequel to A Pet Squishy)Where stories live. Discover now