An Evening

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The next evening...

"You're sure you don't want to come with us Lana?" Heather asked for the fifth time.

"It's ok mom. I'll stay here. Besides...if I disappeared the big guy might go looking for me or something." Lana assured her.

Heather nodded, "Ok. Well, there's some leftover chicken in the fridge. We'll be back late."

"Thanks mom. Love ya."

"Love you too."

With that both Carl and Heather left the house. Carl adjusted his jacket collar and looked at the house and then down the road.

"I don't like the idea of leaving Lana alone here with...him." the man stated candidly.

"Now, Carl. TC and Lana are friends." She smiled, "You act like you did when she dated boys in High School."

Carl's eyes widened, "That's sick. This is completely different. What if he decides to blow up the house or something else while we're gone?"

Heather sighed with reproach, "Carl..."

"I'm serious, Heather. All he has to do is get it in his computer brain to destroy something and there'd be NOTHING we could do to stop him." the man ranted.

"How do you even know he'll come up to the house?" Heather inquired. "And even if he does he's not going hurt Lana or destroy anything. You're overreacting."

"Mark my words Heather. It might not happen now but it will happen." The man nodded as he held the door for his wife and then got in himself.



Lana sat on the couch and turned on her DVD copy of Beauty and the Beast to begin her evening at home. She had just taken a bite of her cold chicken drumstick when the knick knacks on the shelves moved. She turned around and startled upon seeing Thundercracker peeking in the living room window.

"GEEZ, TC. Don't sneak up on me like that!"

The Decepticon's optics widened with a look of disgust, "Uggh! What are you eating you little barbarian?"

Lana looked at the drumstick quizzically, "Chicken..."

"When did you catch that?" he grimaced, with a look on his face that would've been the same if she were eating a bowl of worms.

"I didn't catch it. We got some chicken yesterday...ever heard of KFC?"

The mech shook his head.

"It's a restaurant chain that makes chicken." she explained.

"Humans don't hunt for their meat?"

"Not so much anymore."

" used to?"

Lana nodded, "Well yeah, before we had technology, agriculture, and commerce sure. I know in some parts of the world people still hunt for their food."

The mech seemed to think a moment and grinned, "Huh. That would be kind of neat to see you hunting lower animals for food."

Lana took another bite of chicken and shrugged.

"Where are your creators?"

"Out for the evening. I've got the house to myself." Lana smirked, gesturing with her drumstick.

A Human Friend (Sequel to A Pet Squishy)Where stories live. Discover now