Lost Memories and Trouble...!

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Ren's POV- I kept on trying to remember, but I couldn't and also I kept wondering why she wanted to keep me safe so bad it doesn't make any sense to me, but to pass the time I tried to get the chain off of my ankle, but I couldn't which frustrated me because I just wanted to get off out of here, but it wouldn't be easy I would have to trick her to get out of the chain and to get back to the others quickly it was really important! She came back into the room early the next morning with breakfast sit as she sat down next to me "Good-morning Love."She said I didn't say anything "Well I just came to drop off breakfast Ren Ren and let you use the bathroom." She said I just looked at her I was a little weary about eating food from her, but I was so hungry that I ate all of the food then she unlocked my ankle from the chain and she took the shackles off of my wrists as she helped me up then she helped me to the bathroom in the room "5 minutes Love." She said as she walked out of the bathroom so I locked the door after I went to the bathroom then washing my hands. I walked out of the bathroom then she helped me back to the bed as she chained my ankle up again ,but she didn't put the shackles back on my wrist's so I sat back down and she sat next to me " So how are you feeling Love?" She asked I just shrugged I didn't want to talk to her I didn't trust her one bit and she didn't seem to happy about that "Well get some more rest My sweet Joker I'll be back later then we can talk." She said kissing my cheek again as she walked out of the room locking the door behind her. I was so tried that I laid down and feel asleep hoping that this would all be over soon. I woke up five hours later and I felt better so I stared thinking about an escape plan because I didn't plan on sticking around here for much longer I just wished that I could tell the others that I'm alright maybe I can get word to them soon I hope so! After-while I heard voices downstairs all of a sudden she rushed into the room and she had ropes with her and a cloth then she ran over to me as she grabbed my wrists tying them behind my back tightly then she unchained my ankle tying them together tightly as well then she sat me up as she balled up the cloth "Open Up Love." She said I didn't open my mouth she looked annoyed "If you don't open up your mouth Love I won't let you contact your little friends." She said seriously so I opened up my mouth as she stuffed the cloth into my mouth she made sure it was in enough were I couldn't scream or talk even if I wanted to then she pulled out some black duck tape then she put a piece of the duck tape on my mouth covering the cloth as well "Now you be a good boy and be quite I'll be back to check up on you once my friend leaves." She said as she kissed my forehead as she walked out of the room locking the door behind her "Great!" I thought this wasn't good, but if I got out of the ropes I could get out of here so I had to try so I felt the rope around my wrists with my fingers trying to find the knot once I did I felt that it was huge so I tried to start untying it, but she made it so that wasn't really that possible "Damn it she is clearly planned this out definitely not good for me though!" I thought so I tried moving my wrists out of the ropes they didn't move much at all it really hurt through. All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming towards the room so I froze then I heard a voice "Yuki whats so important that you have to keep this door locked?" The female voice asked "It's really important!" She said "Alright." The other female voice said I heard their footsteps walk away then I rolled over, but I rolled to far as I fell off of the bed landing with a "Thud!" that hurt! I tried to roll around, but it didn't work all of sudden she came back into the room and she found me on the floor "Someone was being silly I'll help you back up Love." She said as she helped me up as she sat me back down on the bed then she took the gag out, but she kept me tied up "What are you keeping me safe from?" I asked "Anything that can hurt you." She said "What does that mean?" I asked "I'm protecting you that's what it means My Sweet Joker." She said "Your not making any sense." I said seriously "It will make sense to soon my Love." She said "Can I let my friends know that I'm ok now?" I asked "Ok fine I'll let you call one of them, but you only have five minutes to talk and don't try to get any help or I will punish you Love." She said seriously "Ok." I said "Good Boy Love." She said as she took out my phone turning it back on as she dailed Ryuji's number then she put the phone up to my ear "Ren are you ok? Where are you dude? we are all worried sick." He asked "I'm ok Ryuji and I have no idea and I'm sorry for worrying you guys." I said "I'm happy to hear that you are ok Ren Ren and that sucks man, but don't worry we are going to find you also don't worry about it, but do you know who kidnapped you?" He asked "No they were wearing a mask."I lied "Damn it well just stay safe Dude we are going to find you that's a promise." He said "Just be careful my kidnapper could be dangerous." I said "We are always careful." He said I just smiled a little knowing that Ryuji definitely wasn't the most careful person sometimes she held up 1 finger meaning I only had one minute left "Tell everyone else I'm ok and I've got to go I'll try to talk soon." I said "I will be safe Ren Ren." He said "I will." I said before he could reply she hung up on him as took the phone away from my ear then she turned it back off as she put it back In her pocket "Happy now My Sweet Joker?" She asked me I just nodded a bit "Good because I may let you talk to your friends again if you be a good for me." She said "I can't make any promises." I said getting a bit annoyed now she just smirked a bit "I like this side of you Ren Ren." She said "Stop calling me Ren Ren only my friend can call me that!" I said angrily she looked a bit mad she pulled my hair making me look at her "Listen to me Love You Better stop giving me attitude or I will punish you and your little friend and I'll call you Ren Ren if I want to now shut up and be a good boy understand Love?" She asked me I just nodded my head yes "Good." She said as she let go of my hair I was a bit scared of her maybe I should stay away from getting her mad at me that would be wise "You are in trouble Ren Ren!" She said as she slapped my right check it wasn't rough though and it didn't really hurt so bad "I don't want to hurt you My Sweet Joker, but this is your first punishment I just hope that I don't have punish you again My Love." She said kissing the cheek she just slapped I was a bit shocked though "Well I have to go now Ren Ren be good I'll be back later." She said as she got off of the bed then she walked out of the room locking the door behind her "What the hell did I get myself into?"  I thought I knew one thing I may have to end up fighting her to get out of here so if It came to that is what I would do!

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