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Ren's POV- She had fallen asleep on me a while ago, but honestly I couldn't sleep even though I was pretty tried the fear of nightmares is what kept me up also the person who the cause of those nightmares is sleeping on my chest which didn't help anything either it's all of my nightmares became real and that my worst fears became real again inside I felt like I was breaking I've been strong for too long and I don't know how much longer that I could be strong for without breaking down completely it was just becoming way too much for me to handle! I cried quietly after while I did calm back down and I did fall asleep after exhaustion took over, but it only lasted a little while because I woke up shaking from another nightmare then I couldn't go back to sleep again which sucked, but I was kind of used it after two months of having these nightmares every night it's sad that what things have come to though, but I will get rid of these nightmares it will take some time, but I will do it and I will be happy with my friends again that I believe! I ended just thinking about a lot of random suff while watching the sun come up through the window it was beautiful and that filled with me with some hope that everything was going to be ok and that I would get out this situation again and I won't lose Hope! I felt at peace for some strange reason I just knew that deep down inside that everything would work out and that I would be ok again and my friends would be there to help me to I was so glad to have friends like them they are the greatest friends in the world I wouldn't trade them for anything! A few hours later she got up "Good morning My Love." She said "Morning." I said "I'm going to make us breakfast I'll be right back Ren Ren." She said as she kissed me on the forehead then she got off of me as she got off of the bed then she walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Five minutes later she came up with eggs and toast with some milk she feed me and gave me some milk after she ate she walked out of the room again. It only took a few minutes until she was back again, but every time I saw her I got anxiety and I didn't like that feeling at all then she sat on the bed next to me as she peaked my lips and I blushed a little bit it was the first time that a girl has ever kissed me and I got a little embarrassed she just smiled at my reaction that made the blushing worse I don't know why I was acting like this though it was confusing me!  

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