Chapter Five

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Ace spent the next two weeks on the F.S.M. Visp serving Captain Alphs, learning how to sail, and learning how to fight. As much as he missed the Harrises, secretly he'd grown to enjoy his life on the Visp.

Despite his feelings, he still had a strong desire to escape and let Captain Harris and Charlie know that he was alive. He'd spent many nights awake, wondering what thoughts and worries might be going through both of their minds. They both were kind people, and he did't wish for them to worry about his well-being. He hoped to send a message to them as soon as they made port to attempt to alleviate the emotions they must be feeling from his dreadful mistake.

"We've got one more day, Mr. Lynx," Mr. Bahnhoff, the leftenant of the F.S.M. Visp, said. "One more day at sea, then we'll make port at Jayoria. But today is the big day. Today's test day."

"Test day?" Ace asked.

Mr. Bahnhoff nodded. "You need to prove to us you're learning. Teach me how to sail the Visp, duel with me, and teach Captain Alphs geography using your map. We'll start with the sailing of the Visp after we've had breakfast."

"The ship's already sailing. Do you really want me to take command of the Visp?" Ace asked.

Mr. Bahnhoff smiled. "No, Mr. Lynx. After breakfast we'll go below deck, and you'll teach me on a model."

Ace nodded and went down to the galley to grab breakfast with Mr. Bahnhoff. The two had a cup of coffee, some stale toast, and two browning bananas. No food seemed to stay fresh at sea for long. It was necessary for the Visp to make port in Jayoria to restock on food and supplies before sailing on with its mission.

Mr. Bahnhoff led Ace deep into the underbelly of the Visp, and one level below the brig they stopped. It was pitch black, and the air was stale and stagnant like the rest of the underbelly of the ship. Mr. Bahnhoff lit a few lanterns and pulled two chairs together around a barrel table. The deck was large with low ceilings and was vacant save for the chairs and table. In the light of the lanterns, Ace thought he could make out a pile of chains stacked in the corner.

"What did you say this deck was used for, Mr. Bahnhoff?" Ace asked.

"It's new on the Visp for this mission. Its purpose I cannot say."

Ace was unsatisfied with the answer, but nodded anyway.

Ace sat on one of the chairs while Mr. Bahnhoff placed a deep steel tray on the table between the two of them. He poured water from a pitcher into the tray and retrieved pieces of the model from his coat pocket.

"Here you are, Mr. Lynx. These are the pieces to the model of the Visp. It's a functioning model and, upon your completion building it, you will sail it in this tray."

Ace nodded. "You aren't timing me, are you?"

Mr. Bahnhoff shook his head and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. "No, but the sooner we finish, the sooner we can get some fresh air."

Ace smiled. "Then let us begin."

Ace went about identifying the pieces of the miniature Visp and assembling them. Initially, he had a difficult time finding the right hole for each of the masts. His job became significantly easier when he realized the pieces would only fit in the holes designed for them. The mizzenmast would only fit in the hole drilled for the mizzenmast. He had little difficulty assembling the rest of the model, and in no time he was hanging the sails on the small, miniature version of the Visp.

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