The Y

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Basketball season had ended yet again, so that meant that I had to get a part-time job. I decided that I would work at the The Y to as one of the counsellors for the summer programs. They liked to hire employees in advance so that we could prepare and plan activities for the kids that needed a place to stay while their parents worked. It was almost like a daycare but sporty. I had worked there last year and absolutely loved it! As senior year wound down, I figured this would be a great opportunity to earn a little cash before heading off to college.

Thankfully, The Y was only a short distance from my house, so I could easily walk to work everyday. Although I could walk, my first day I drove. I hopped into my Mustang and turned on my favorite Spotify playlist and let my music fill the car. Before I knew it, I was parking in The Y's vast parking lot, turning off my ignition, and excitedly prancing inside the building. I make my way to the planning meeting, greeting the faces I recognized from last year along the way. I had really big plans for all the possible activities we could do with the kids this summer, and I couldn't wait to share them.

As I approached the heavy oak door that led to the conference room, I bumped into a very muscular shoulder. I know I'm a basketball player and all, but the impact knocked the wind out of me! I almost fell down! Almost. Annoyed, I looked up at the perpetrator and realized that it was no other than my neighbor Camden.

"Ugh. You again," I mutter under my breath. "Watch where you're going, Camden," I say a little louder.

"Whatever," is all he mutters back.

He opens the door for me and once I've walked through, he follows closely behind. Maybe he does have some manners, but has he ever heard of personal space, I think to myself. I find a seat and plop down in the comfy chair, but much to my dismay, Camden sits right beside me. I choose to ignore him because I am determined to have a wonderful time at this meeting.

Soon, Mrs. Rose, a kind sixty-five year old woman, arrives, introduced herself, and gives the whole spiel about how the kids are her biggest priority and should be ours too. Although her small TedTalk was inspiring last year, it felt a little too rehearsed this year, but that's okay because I love Mrs. Rose. She's an amazing woman who really does have a heart for these kids. That's why I love working here so much. As the meeting progresses, we are able to share our different ideas for the summer. Mrs. Rose writes them all down to begin to make a plan for the program. We won't be able to solidify exactly what we will do until our next meeting, but hearing everyone's ideas made me super excited for the summer program.

As the meeting came to a close, I remembered that Camden had sat right next to me. I don't know if I was just so engrossed in the topics of the meeting or if I was really hardcore ignoring that I didn't hear him at all. I decided to sneak a peek over my shoulder to see what he was doing. Blatantly, his head had fallen to rest on one of his shoulders with his eyes closed and mouth wide open. He was asleep! I rolled my eyes, packed up my things, and rolled my eyes at the sleeping oaf. I said my goodbyes to the other staff members, taking a little extra time to bid my  farewell to Mrs. Rose.

I made my way to the exit, walking towards my car. Before I could make it halfway through the parking lot, someone who sounded a lot like Camden called to me, "Wait up!" I figured if I acted like I didn't hear him, he'd leave me alone. That didn't exactly work at Carowinds, but second time's a charm right? "Soph, I know you heard me!"

Dang it!

I turned around and put my hand on my hip. "What do you want, Camden?"

"Can I get a ride?" He asked, eying my car.

I laughed. "Now why would I do that? You completely disrespected Mrs. Rose and everyone else in that room. Why are you even here?" I questioned, pretty much ignoring his request to get a ride home.

"My mom got me this job and I had to show up. Trust me. If I didn't have to be here, I wouldn't," he answered dismissively, already walking towards the passenger side of my car.

"Well, trust me. If you don't want to be here, do us all a favor, especially those kids, get another job. You don't need to be experimenting with how well you can care for others in those kids. They deserve better than that."

He rolled his eyes and opened the door. I didn't argue with him anymore on the drive home. I just put on my music and and sang along ad if he weren't half a foot away from me. Some may say that was an awkward car ride, but I say that I don't care.

The weeks passed and summer became a more tangible idea, but with that I began to see who Camden really was. More often than not, he would skip some periods for no reason in particular. He wasn't doing anything bad, but he would just stay in the courtyard lying in the plush grass staring at the sky instead of going to class. As far as I knew, he didn't smoke nor did he drink. I just didn't understand that guy. The mystery surrounding him made most of the girls in the school swoon. I couldn't care less.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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