Chapter 2- Fight

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"Sorry. I don't know a- OHMYGOSH!!! I haven't seen you since you moved to Ohio." I exclaimed.

"Yea. You only visited me once. What's up with that?" he laughed.

"Going to your house isn't the same anymore. It's not across the street. Anyway, why are you here?"

"I should ask you the same thing. I mean, you live in the other side of the country."

"Basketball Tournament. I just figured, why not go have some fun?"

"Can't complain there. And what's up with dance? Did you drop that?"

"Nah. It's just that... I don't have any support. And without anyone supporting me, I guess I lost the will to continue. Anyway what's up with you, Kev?"

"Not much. Same old, same old."

"That explains a lot. Look I'll see you around. I've got to ride all the roller-coasters before the park closes. Here's my number. Keep in touch."

I ran to my friends and of course they were practically drooling over Kevin. After explaining who he was, an old friend I used to go to church with, and riding as many roller-coasters as we could, we drove back to the hotel.

"I am really pumped about this game tomorrow. I mean if we win the championship then... we'll be FAMOUS!!!" said Patricia.

"And if we're famous, Tremaine Neverson (Trey Songz) will finally notice me," dreamed Jasmine.

"What happened with Toni. I thought you two were... ya' know," I questioned.

" Please don't try and make me feel guilty. Wouldn't you take a celebrity over some guy from school that has no future?"

"No. Never mind Jas. Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's gonna' be a big day."


After winning the championship and not becoming famous, we headed home to sweet old Irvine, California.

Someone from our team told us that a new student was going to be arriving at our school on Tuesday.

Ok. Quick fact about me: I will think guys are fine. Watch that guy for who knows how many months. Then, in most cases, I will lose interest or find something "wrong" with the guy. I don't know. I guess I'm too picky.

Tuesday morning ( YEA I SKIPPED MONDAY. LOL) I hopped out of bed and took a shower. After getting out the shower, I combed my middle-back- length hair into a side part. After that I applied light foundation and mascara. Since I suck at eyeshadow, I decided not to risk looking like a clown. I walked out my adjoining bathroom and into my room and picked out a baby blue long sleeve shirt (it's February) and a white flow-y sleeveless jacket. I pulled on some dark skinnies and my new Pastries (shoes) and headed out the door and down the steps. After eating a small bowl of Frosted Flakes I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed outside to my red convertible Mustang. About 15 minutes later I arrived at school and parked my car. There was this huge crowd chanting "FIGHT" on the sidewalk....

A/N Next chapter will definitely be more eventful. Sorry this chap is boring but I'm tired and I felt like I needed to upload so yea. Goodnight earth.

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