Unexpected Visitor

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Severus Snape was sitting in the damp dungeons of Hogwarts grading the homework assignments of absolute dunderheads. Taking his quill he scratches out a whole paragraph of garbage when his classroom door flies open.

"Mother?" The boy who rudely entered Snape's space uninvited shouts.

"How dare you enter my classroom without knocking?" Snape sternly stated rising from his seat. "As you can see I'm not your mother." The boy's face loses color as he stares at the professor frozen in place. "In addition you are not a student here. So who are you?"

The boy blinked several times, shaking his head. "My apologies sir." The boy turns and shuts the classroom door and walks closer the Snape's desk. "I came here to report to my mother the potion I was making exploded and failed." The boy lowered his head breathing in deeply before continuing. "But now that I'm here I can see that it did not fail." He stated quietly slowing meeting the eyes of the one man he has always wished to know.

"That is all well and good but that did not answer my question. Who are you?" Snape glared at the boy trying to intimidate him.

The boy laughed at this before quickly recovering. "Sorry sir. You may call me Toby, everyone does."

Severus had a feeling that he knew this boy somewhere but couldn't place why he looked so familiar. "Why did you shout for you mother upon entering my classrooom?" Snape asked raising his eyebrow questionably.

"Let me begin by telling you about my potion." Toby replied taking a seat at the closes workstation to Snape's desk. "For my seventh year potion project I decided to create a potion that would allow the drinker to go through time. When it exploded I came directly here to speak with my mother as she is the potion's professor in my time." Toby said this with a straight face, not once looking away from the man in front of him.

Snape slowly lowered himself into his seat, thoughts going several different directions. Many questions sprang to his mind. But before he asked any he wanted to see if the boy was telling the truth. Severus slipped into the boy's mind. Severus quickly pulled out after only finding a blank white space. "That was a nice attempt. My mind is impenetrable. Both my parents were natural legimens and occlumens. I inherited my gift from them."

"What year did you come from?" Snape asked solemnly.


"I believe we should take this conversation to headmaster." Snape stated rising once again from his chair and stalking to the door. Toby followed behind the potions master. Snape entered Dumbledore's office without knocking.

Inside they found Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The conversation that was being had stopped as Minerva gasped at the sight of the young boy. "Hello Nanna." Toby said to Minerva. Minerva froze where she was with her mouth open, eyes wide.

Dumbledore dismissed the trio and asked them to return to his office in the morning. Ron and Harry ran out of the office as quickly as possible. However Hermione couldn't remove her eyes from the boy. "Miss Granger please excuse us." Dumbledore stated gesturing for the door. Shaking her head she exited the office and ran after the boys.

"Severus who is your young friend?" Dumbledore broke the silence. "Please everyone sit."

Severus told the story of all that has occurred since Toby entered his classroom. At the end of the story Minerva asked, "Didn't you notice the name of the classroom door not being your mother's?"

"No Nanna I did not, though I can't say that anyone would." Toby replied looking at the three faces staring at him seeing if one of them understood his small hint. Minerva and Albus both smiled.

"Are you saying what I think you are?" Asked Minerva.

"Yes Nanna." Toby said smirking.

"Why do you keep calling her that? And why wouldn't the next potions master change the name plate on the door?" Severus looked angry and the secret that they seemed to understand but he didn't.

"Severus, my boy it seems that the next potions professor was also a Snape therefore there is no need for a new name plate." Dumbledore said looking over the frame of his spectacles at Severus.

Before Severus could say anything Toby added, "I called Professor McGonagall Nanna because she was my father's surrogate mother. In addition to helping my mother raise me."

"So your mother was a Snape? That can't be as I'm the last Snape."

"Well she was and she loved you dearly." Toby announced with anger rising in his voice. At this Severus' eyes darted to the boy, his brows forrowed.

"Toby," Dumbledore said before Snape could lash out, "maybe it would help if we knew your full name."

Toby nodded, taking a breathe, "I'm named after my father, Severus Tobias Snape II." Toby looked to the dark man sitting next to him waiting for him to lash out. Seeing no response but shock, Toby turned back to his Nanna. "Nanna you have always said how you never got paid for the bet you and Albus had about who my father would marry. Maybe you could collect that money now." Toby implied knowing that she and Dumbledore would understand who he meant was his mother without telling Severus.

Minerva clapped her hands together and squealed with joy. "I knew it. I knew they would be perfect together." Extending her hand to Albus, "pay up."

Albus dropped the coins into Minerva's hand, " Severus I think it would be beneficial for all if Toby stayed with you in your rooms as it appears his is already familiar with them. I'm sure that he could even help you brew." Severus simple nodded his head still trying to process what all had been said in the last half hour. "With to potion masters as parents the boy would be more than qualified to assist you." Albus stated as if to further convince Severus to approve. Though it didn't seem necessary as Severus was lost in his thought.

A wide smile appeared across Severus' face, shocking the older wizard and witch as they have never seen a smile like that from him. "Of course Albus you are right. Come son let us have dinner then retire." Severus moved to the door allowing Toby out before him.

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