The Game

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Toby walks into the library and heads for his mother's favorite nook. She is sitting hunched over the table with a large tome. A finger twisting around an errant curl, chewing her bottom lip in deep concentration. "Mother?" Toby whispers.

Hermione jumps, "Don't do that. You'll give me a heart attack before your born. Then where will you be?"

Toby slid into the chair next to her and laid is head on her shoulder while she continued reading. Hermione's hand came up and starting twisting Toby straight black locks. "Mmm. I love when you do that." Toby sighs closing his eyes waiting for his mother to finish studying.

Hermione smiles and peers at her son. She kisses the top of his head and closes the book. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Toby lifts his head and meets his mother's caramel brown eyes. "I do. I think that he is jealous of the time I'm spending with you. You should have heard him, mum." Laughing he sits back into his chair.

"What did he say?"

Toby explained how Snape explained the qualities of the witch he would like and look lost in thought. Then quickly changed the subject when questioned about it.

Hermione stands to gather up her supplies. "This better work. If it doesn't you might not be born." She tells her son as they walk together to the Great Hall.

"Just watch how he responds when I kiss your cheek before joining him. I will push our conversation into your mind as it's happening." Toby wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they enter the Hall. Everyone turns and watches them walk to the Gryffindor table. "Look at him." Toby whispers into Hermione's ear.

Hermione rises her eyes to the Head Table and sees Snape glaring at the pair. Hermione giggles and leans into Toby. "I'll see you tonight." He says before kissing her cheek and sauntering up to sit next to his father.

"Hello Father." Toby greets takin his seat.

"How was the library?" Severus asked between bites.

"Amazing. I have always loved the library. I guess I get that from my parents. You are both bookworms."

Severus grunts in response.

"Our library at the Manor was large to begin with from what mum told me. Then you added an extension to include her books. Then she had to do it again a few years later. I think we are up to 6 extensions now."

Severus looked at his son in shock. "How is that possible? That many extension charms would not last."

Toby laughs lightly, "Mum's very talented Dad. She would amaze you. She created a charm just for the Manor."

Severus sat back in his seat and surveyed the room, trying to find a witch powerful enough to pull that off. He could only think of one but she is too young and seems interested in his son.

Toby follows his father's eyes and they land on Hermione. "It's weird. Seeing faces of people I know but they don't know me yet."

Severus turned hiss gaze away from the beautiful young witch he can't stop thinking about. "Who do you know in your time that is here now?" Severus asked hoping to get a clue as to who his wife spends her time with.

"Well some of the professors to start, Hooch, Hagrid, Flitwick, Trelawney, Vector, even Flich. My mother is an only child so all of her friends became my aunts and uncles. Out of students still in school, I have two uncles and three aunts in Slytherin. Three uncles and two aunts in Gryffindor. One aunt in Hufflepuff and one aunt in Ravenclaw. There are many more but they have all graduated or attended school elsewhere."

Severus looked out at the tables full of students. He couldn't imagine who his wife could be. She must be a Ravenclaw because no Gryffindor would be friends with Slytherins. But then how can she only have one friend in Ravenclaw. "And your godparents? Are they here?"

"Oh yeah. My godfather is a Slytherin and my godmother a Gryffindor." Toby watched his father out of the corner of his eye. Severus was very confused, he couldn't puzzle it out.

"God isn't she beautiful." Toby exhales dreamily.

"Who?" Severus scans the room to see who his son could be speaking about. At that moment Hermione stands up and walks out of the Great Hall with Harry and Ron. She has her arms looped through both boys arms and they seem to be holding her and she throws her head back in a laugh.

Under his breathe he mumbles, "She's perfect." Turning quickly to see if he was overheard by Toby. Of course Toby heard but he pretended otherwise.

"She'll be staying the night with us for a while. I hope you don't mind." He says standing and leaving the Great Hall before his father could reply.

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