another day another pain

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Annie's pov

Waking up with a headache wasn't new for annie. Having the back of her head feel like it's being jackhammered was almost a weekly thing now.Reiner would beg almost every weekend for her and bert to go out drinking and smoking. Which would end up with her leaving early so she wouldn't have to deal with his stupidity, him tripping over himself trying to get to the bathroom so he wouldn't puke on his new pants.

" fucking reiner.." she muttered placing her hand on top of her head. sighing deeply, she slowly pulled herself up from her warm bed to stare at her trashed room.

Clothes all over the floor, drawers to her dresser pulled open with more clothes hanging out. A skateboard against the wall next to her guitar and spray paint cans littered around. Her posters on her walls almost falling off just like the white paint clinging desperately to her walls.

" a fucking mess.." she thought. Shaking her head she stood pulling both of her arms above her head breathing deeply she twists until she hears a satisfying pop. Turning her head towards her end table, which was just as trashy as her room cigarette buds, beer cans,and cups gathered in a clump,her clock reads eight o clock.

" thirty minutes until school starts.. fucking great" she mumbles while stumbling towards her shower.

She passes a quick glance in the mirror before getting undressed. Blonde messy hair, pale skin, sharp blue icy eyes, a big hooked nose.

" you look just like your mother" he spat venom in his voice, and daggers in his eyes. He had been drinking like always. A bottle of whisky, pain pills and cigarettes. His go to, he was waiting there when she got home from school. Slumped over their kitchen counter. Shit faced, and beat red with a bruise forming under his right eye.

He took a swig from his bottle eyeing annie with such distaste. she could practically taste the hatred that was oozing off him, and could smell the blood and sweat from where she was standing at the front door.

Annie stood there for a second staring at him with no emotion as always, a blank stare. She thought he was pathetic for acting like this, it had been seven years ago when she was ten ,her mother left for a fancy dude with more money than she could comprehend. It had taken annie at least two years for her to get that she was abandoned, for her to realize that she was all alone. That she could be tossed away like trash, and be replaced by a man who had fancy cars. Was she angry? Yes was she sad? More than anyone would understand but she controlled those emotions put a leash on them and made sure no one would ever see her at her lowest.

This man in Front of her no.... this man child had no control over his life, and it pisses her off. He uses the money from child support to buy himself liquor and cigarettes and that's all Nothing else, not clothes, not food. She pays for them working after school at a small dollar store that pays fuck all.

She shakes her head, scoffing while walking towards her room. " Pathetic.." she thinks. " just fucking pathetic.." before she could reach the hall that lead towards her room he was there. Grabbing her wrist in a painful vice grip

" don't you fucking ignore me" he sneers, breath reeking of whisky.

Annie stares down at his hand. His knuckles white with tension wrinkling with old age and cracked with abuse, the same hands that once used to comfort her are now digging into her skin painfully so, but she'll never let him see that. She'll never be weak like him. Never.

She turned to him staring icy daggers into his own dark brown ones. She twisted her arm out of his grip, pushed him forward and kicked his legs out from under him. He hit the floor with a solid thud, and didn't get up the gentle rise and fall of his chest suggested that he was alive much to Annie's distaste.

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