plant whisperers

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Mikasa's pov

Having hanji as a teacher was quite entertaining.

Their rants about science theory were fun to listen to, and took up the majority of the class period. Which was fine by mikasa she enjoyed them, but hanji always seemed to forget that they had a limited amount of time in their classroom. Hopped up on coffee and science they ranted and ranted until...

" AHHH!!-" hanji screamed hands clenched into fists on top of their head. They started bouncing up and down in a frantic motion obviously upset

" why didn't anyone tell me that I've been talking for twenty minutes!!??" hanji spun around and pointed a very accusing glare at a poor boy who sat at the front of the classroom.

" you lost track of time.." he said nervously

"Like you always do" mikasa thought, drowning out hanjis frantic screams of displeasure.

She looked over to her right at eren, who seemed very pleased with the fact that hanji was chewing out a student. Behind him, ymir who seemed to be enjoying herself too was placing little pieces of paper into eren's hair. Historia was sitting behind mikasa, and was smacking ymir's arm while hissing at her to stop.

Ymir, who was now rubbing her arm, caught mikasa looking at her and gave a sly wink. Which mikasa ignored and gave her a pointed look and turned back to the front.

Hanji, who seemed to have calmed down. Clapping their hands excitedly so they could get the classes attention.

" since i have taken up most of your time today i think I'll give you an easy assignment!" they said with a hint of mischief.

" now everyone get into a group! I don't care how many people are in it!" they flung the class room door open and stepped out, Ushering everyone out. 

Mikasa got up from her seat, looked to eren who gave her a curt nodded and stood up as well. A small tug from mikasa's arm made mikasa turn towards a small blonde. Armin who looked nervous as always gave her a small smile.

" you ready?"

Mikasa gave a small nod and headed towards the door, not even half way there she heard eren scream in frustration.

" what the- ymir you fucking bitch!" eren screamed, ruffling his hair trying to get the paper out, Which was a useless effort.

Ymir, seemed very smug about getting a reaction out of eren smirked and flicked him in the forehead.

" if you didn't want paper in your hair then you should have washed it, it smells like a fucking sewer."

Historia, being the angle that she was, elbowed ymir hard.
Ymir clutched  her stomach, and spewed incoherent cuss words.

" please don't mind her." historia said sweetly

" would it be alright if we joined your group?"

Mikasa shooed a fuming eren and an even more nervous armin away and turned towards the goddess.

" of course." mikasa smiled sweetly

Historia beamed and pushed ymir out of the class room, much to her discomfort. Mikasa shock her head, and followed after.

The ice queen was standing by the door irritation clear on her face, and The sheer amount of ice that was in her glare almost froze mikasa, she made eye contact with her icy and challenged her to look away. A competition, it was always a competition between the two females. Annie who seemed to have had enough of their staring contest, turned on her heels and walked side by side with historia.

A frozen heart { Mikannie }Where stories live. Discover now