that blood red scarf

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Annie's pov

She was toying with the silk scarf for the whole car ride, running her fingers over the fabric,  folding it and unfolding it. Ever since annie had transfered to rose high about almost three years ago she had always seen mikasa with this scarf around her neck. Her, reiner, bertholdt and ymir had transferred to rose high after marley was shut down because of some child endangerment charge. Luckily for her rose high was just around the corner, she could remember her first day like it happened yesterday.

The brown brick building seemed to loom over annie and her companions. This school was alot larger than marley, and cleaner too. Annie had expected to see at least one person by now but this place seemed to be a barren waste land. Lost in thought annie didn't see a very short man, almost Annie's height maybe smaller, march up to the group.

" pick your jaw off the floor and head inside already, And don't drag any dirt in." he sneered, rolling his mop bucket inside.

" jesus.." bertholdt, who looked like he was about to have a panic attack, he was clutching his bag tightly sweating up a storm.

" bert calm down, you're gonna flood the school." ymir, walked swiftly to the schools front door, swung it open and waited for the trio to pass.

" thanks.." annie mumbled, Ymir winked and walked in after annie. " anything for you babe."

Annie rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with ymirs shameless flirting, annie quickened her pace. She slammed into reiner, who's eyes where as big as dinner plates. He stood rigged back as straight as a steel rod.

" holy shit.." she heard reiner mutter.

" what the fuck is the hold up you ape." ymir who came side to side with reiner, freezed in her place, her Shoulders shot up as she tensed.

" holy shit.." she whispered.

" what is your guys fucking problem?" annie grumbled, side stepping both of them she came face to face with a blonde angel. She was smaller than annie, and wore a kind smile.

" hi there." she waved softly giving a megawatt smile. " my names historia, and im your tour guide today!"

Reiner and ymir just stood there blushing with mouths agape. Nothing came out of their mouths, making them look like dead fish. Annie sighed and walking up to historia.

" names annie, let's get this tour over with." she didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did, but it seemed that her rudeness snapped reiner and ymir out of their lovestruck phase.

" yes-s a tour would be nice.." reiner stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

" yeah heh um a tour would be cool." ymir smiled nervously, she smiled alittle too widely, making her look creepy.

Historia, who seemed to not notice their stupid behaviour, smiled and ushered everyone down the hall.

The tour took about 30 minutes. Annie wasn't paying attention hoodie up, playing on her Phone.

Historia practically skipped in front of them, stopping at two bulky brown doors. She gave the group a warm smile before speaking.

" this is the cafeteria, it's really stuffy in there so please stay close." ymir smirked at her. " to you? Always that isn't a bad thing." historia blushed brightly before pushing open the doors to the cafeteria.

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