Peter was panicking, wade is fucking Deadpool? You've got to be fucking with me. Peter thought, a few minutes had past and wade was back, "hey I have the controllers ya ready to play?" Wade asked cheerfully handing a controller to peter, "hey sorry but I feel kind of sick so maybe we can hang out another day I'm just, not really feeling well" peter said gathering his things and heading out the door,
[Great he hates you] wades voices started again, "did I say something wrong?" Wade was confused he didn't know why peter left so suddenly?, {Maybe because you are a dick head, wade, let's be honest everyone hates you and don't wanna be around you, look at you, your disgusting}, "maybe I am disgusting.." wade said putting the controllers on the table and heading towards his bag and put his uniform on. [going out to kill aren't ya?], "that's the only thing that can distract me now so shut up," Wade said while jumping out the window and going into an alleyway.
Peter got home and called out for his aunt may, she was gone, a note on the counter read,
"Hey peter, I won't be at home until next week I have some business trips to do, I left you money on the counter if you want to order something! Love you! -Aunt May"Shit now she's gone? Who am I going to talk about this now? Myself? Peter sighed, "maybe if I swing around and find De- wade, I can possibly talk to him out of killing people, or better yet see if he actually is Deadpool" peter soon ran out and jumped out of the window in his suit and swung alley to alley to find if Deadpool, also to figure out if he was actually wade. "Maybe its just a costume for Halloween, even tho it's too early for that-" Peter stopped on the roof of a building spotting the same black and red suited man eating chimichangas on the next building's roof, "shit now what do I say-" peter thought. Peter approached wade and landed behind wade. "Hey um Deadpool? I'm not here to arrest you or anything I just want to talk" peter said putting his arms out as he was surrendering, wade paused and turned around, "Hey baby boy" wade smiled still eating his chimichanga, "Sure you can sit right beside me it doesn't mater", peter sat next to him and looked under his feet where people were going in their apartments as it was almost half of the day, "So I wanted to ask you why do you kill innocent people?" Peter looked at wade, wade looked at peter "it's my job if I don't do it then I have no where else to go than back to where I came from" wade sighed and put down his chimichanga in the bag next to him. "I don't want to go back" wade looked down looking as he was hurt emotionally.
Peter and wade got to know each other better explaining their lives and having nice chats, venting to one another as if they had known each other for sometime now.
Peter laughed "my aunt got so pissed when she found out that I was actually Spider-Man but she agreed to keep my secret identity a secret" peter smiled at wade, wade couldn't help but stare where peters eyes would be, wade smiled "you know you aren't as bad as I thought you would the first time we met" wade said as he put his hand over peters, peter blushed but didn't move his arm at all, wade pulled up his mask, pulling up peters as well afterwards, peter leaned in and kissed wade knowing that it was wade for a fact, he felt safe next to him, he never wanted to let go.
They continued into a steamy kiss (also known as French kissing, tongue to tongue), wade finally leaned back, both were panting, "wow you are a great kisser Spidey" wade said as he pulled his mask back down. "I guess so" peter smiled and pulled his mask back down as well. "You do seem very much alike to someone I know also, his name is peter" wade said trying to catch his breath, peter paused and blushed under his mask, being glad he was actually wearing his mask, "oh really?" Peter asked teasingly, "yeah you even have the exact ass you know.." wade smirked at peter, "you pervert" peter said as he kissed wade again.
The night ended with them heading in their direction back home, but instead wade followed peter, he has his suspicions of Spiderman he seemed familiar, too familiar.

Teenage years (uncontinued)
ФанфикYes this includes smut please don't read it if you don't like it, Au of spideypool, Peter Parker meets Wade Wilson at his school, Wade being a new student gets greeted by Peter, Peter being a shy and on going guy kept in touch with Wade most of the...